the day has arrived


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2007
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Hey all, not posted for a while nor been on here much things been very busy. Well Amber is 100% better thankfully and slept all night the last two nights. woo hoo!

She has started nursery today, i have just got back from dropping her off, sad as it is i have had a little cry (which i needed to do) and i miss her already. Trouble is i havent started my new job yet its a pain so i have nothing to do all day so the house is getting a thorough spring clean!!! I have to cope until about 5 ish can pick her up a bit earlier but i need her to get used to the times as when i do go back to work i wont get there till 5 /530 ish.


and do you know what hasnt helped, the OH has stayed in bed all morning not helped me get things ready or anything and not even said good bye to her. i dont think its much to ask to get out of bed, i didnt call him out of pure principle i shouldnt have to call him out of bed. I am up at 6 every morning to walk the dogs and sort Amber out. If hes that tired he should go to sleep earlier instead of playing on computer. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR and i hope he reads this!!!!! lol :rotfl:
Missing my little girl :cry:
aww hun :hug: :hug: I am not looking forward to putting LO in nursery to start with when i go back to work

I hope Amber does well today, let us know how you both get on :hug: :hug:
Aww hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I can completely sympathise about your OH mine loves his bed too :roll: :roll: .
coping at the minute...just goin to start cleaning. PLanning to move the lounge around something different lol i wonder what i'll find stuffed at the back of the sofa and down the sides damn OH's sooo lazy!!!
well my house is 100% better, can actually see my lounge floor :rotfl:

half an hour to gooooo!!

i rang at about 1 see if she ate her dinner ok, and she had done a huge poo, you know the ones which go up the back lol got to take some spare clothes...Trust amber on her 1st day :rotfl:
arrr blss hun bet she has had a great time :hug:
hey, well she has had two days there now and they keep a little diary etc its well cute. She LOVES it....and already as soon as she gets there has the boys around her..tut! She has a key worker who speaks to me everyday about her and i am really pleased.

She is just so tired when she gets home but once she is used to it she will stay up a bit longer so i can play lol

She is home today woo hoo which i am pleased about :)

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