Seren has always been a sweetie at bedtime, bath, book, boob, bed. No probs (sleeping is another matter but that is not this thread). On Wednesday she was a nightmare to get to bed. She was teething and never napped properly and refused to go in her crib as usual. Even when I ended up feeding her to sleep in bed as it was 4 hours past her normal bedtiome and everytime we went to put her down she cried. I put this down to her teething but its not gone back to normal. She has had no more teething pains but will not nap unless she falls asleep on the boob. She will not go to bed unless she falls asleep on the boob and even then it has taken me 5 attempts to put her in her crib. What did I do wrong, and can anyone help? OH has told me to leave her to cry which I can do if she is just grizzling but full on crying I will not leave. I just feel like I have failed somewhere down the line and have no idea how to fix it.