The 12 weeks sigh of relief!


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2015
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I am 12 weeks today and honestly, I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulder! We found out very early at 5 weeks and so it's felt like the longest 7 weeks getting here.... This Sunday we're going to tell my side of the family (we told my partner's after our scan last week), before finally telling friends and extended family after 13 weeks.

Hope lots more of you will be joining me at the 12 week mark this week, and if you already have, yay! We're 1/3 way through!
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Can't come fast enough for me. Oh I've just worked out I've another 5 weeks to wait! x
Aww...congrats on the 12 week mark! If you've been having any sucky symptoms I hope these are easing off or gone! I have just over 3 weeks to get to that mark and my 12 week scan! It can't come quick enough! That's the worst about finding out so early :lol: it's the wait! I watch Eastenders :blush: and one of the characters found out she was 5 months pregnant! No symptoms, completely didn't know and even though I know it's fictional, it must happen in some cases! Don't know if I'd prefer that or not :lol: x
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I found out a week before AF was due. It feels like its been months already
Woo hoo. Well done on reaching the 12 weeks milestone. I'm just a day or two ahead of you but still have another week or so to wait for first scan. Will relax a bit more once ive seen baby with my own eyes! Hope you are keeping well. My nausea seems to be less now so fingers crossed I'll start glowing soon. I did with previous pregnancies but this time round I'm a lot more tired. Take care.

Gem x
Aww...congrats on the 12 week mark! If you've been having any sucky symptoms I hope these are easing off or gone! I have just over 3 weeks to get to that mark and my 12 week scan! It can't come quick enough! That's the worst about finding out so early :lol: it's the wait! I watch Eastenders :blush: and one of the characters found out she was 5 months pregnant! No symptoms, completely didn't know and even though I know it's fictional, it must happen in some cases! Don't know if I'd prefer that or not :lol: x

Thanks so much! Thankfully I've been super lucky symptoms wise, I haven't really had any. I do think my moods are going downhill though :lol: But that might be down to the hot weather!!!

It amazes me how people can go so long without knowing (I always think, surely you'd notice no TOTM?!) but that said, I remember a good 12 years back now during my GCSE Maths exam, one girl, who had no idea whatsoever she was pregnant, went into labour mid-exam... An exam I'll never forget ha!

I hope the next 3 weeks will whizz by for you!
Woo hoo. Well done on reaching the 12 weeks milestone. I'm just a day or two ahead of you but still have another week or so to wait for first scan. Will relax a bit more once ive seen baby with my own eyes! Hope you are keeping well. My nausea seems to be less now so fingers crossed I'll start glowing soon. I did with previous pregnancies but this time round I'm a lot more tired. Take care.

Gem x

Thank you so much :) I've obviously been counting down the weeks and days until this point - I feel like I need some kind of one-woman-party ha!

Hope you're scan goes well :) We had ours last week. Wasn't the best experience overall as the sonographer was horrible to us and made me feel really uncomfortable, but seeing our baby was worth it!! Hoping our 20 week scan is a nicer experience.
Congratulations on 12 weeks scan lv :) I can't wait to see our little bean up on screen, bet its the most amazing feeling... Next 6 weeks can't come quick enough lol
:dance: congrats.

I am also around 12 weeks now although my scan isn't until a week on Friday, so staying quiet a little longer for us until we know everything is okay. This week I will worry worry worry that something will be wrong.
SNAP Lois! I'm a week on Friday too. Can't come quick enough. Desperate to know all is ok so far then can tell my friends and extended family. I've been bursting to tell for weeks but have managed to restrain ourselves to immediate family so far. Reckon people must be talking about me getting fat though - bump number 3 is def bigger than before and there's not much hiding it in this heat!

Gemma x
SNAP Lois! I'm a week on Friday too. Can't come quick enough. Desperate to know all is ok so far then can tell my friends and extended family. I've been bursting to tell for weeks but have managed to restrain ourselves to immediate family so far. Reckon people must be talking about me getting fat though - bump number 3 is def bigger than before and there's not much hiding it in this heat!

Gemma x

Me too Gemma I seemed to develop a bump as soon as I found out, my jeans don't fit and my leggings are no longer comfortable - oh well excuse to shop :) oh and it's only my first.
Because I am already quite a curvy 14, with my tummy being my biggest part, it's not obvious yet. Although I'm finding my tummy sticks out more... Ordered a couple of maternity tops, won't be able to hide it for much longer!
I found out early too, weeks have been dragging!! Roll on the 20th July!!
I made it to 13 weeks! Intro the second trimester now. Will still be using the First Trimester board to keep up with you all - but hopefully see you all in the Second Trimester board soon! :)

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