Nervous about the next 12 weeks


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2005
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Is it me, I am so nervous for my little mite over the next 12 weeks.

I am constantly checking all is well when I go the loo, and am due to fly to the Maldives in four weeks and I will be about 9 1/2 weeks and I am so nervous about flying. (I have previously suffered with a DVT)

I have my first doctors appointment on Friday which I am looking forward to and clearing all the little ? up in my head.

Is any one else feeling worried about the thought of loosing their precious mite, and does the worry subside slightly when you reach the 12 week mark?

Sarah x
Hi Sarah

You are not alone and its only natural to worry for the first 12 weeks, I have just found out im expecting number three and already cant wait to 12 week mark again.

I was very nervous with my first child but mw told me to take it in stages, get to 12, next target is 24, and then just countdown the weeks.

You tend to relax a little after the first 12 weeks though, all the very best

Sian xxx
I'm still worried now, though not as anxious as I was between 4-12 weeks, then from 12-16 weeks (the results from the downs double test) and then again between 16-20 weeks (anomally scan time). Now I'm just concentrating on getting to 24 weeks and know that my baby is considered 'legally viable' and they'll try and save her if possible. I don't think the worry ever properly subsides and it's getting us prepared for the lifetime of worrying ahead of us!!
Thank you for the reassurance.

Somedays I dont even think about it others it is on my mind all day. Well at least it is getting me prepared for a life time of worry. :)

I was a nervous wreck during my first twelve weeks.

After the scan I calmed down a lot about the baby and started to worry about work and money instead!

There is always something to worry about, but I am mostly calm now and trying to enjoy each day as it comes.
I know exactly what you mean. Every little twinge I am worried about. Actually worried about using too much air freshner yesterday (don't ask). Just can't wait until I am 12 weeks will then try and relax a bit more.
OH Mum

I sympathise with you so much cos I was exactly the same and spent the first 12 weeks dreading going to the loo so scared what I was going to find. Every little ache and pain I panicked. When I didnt feel sick I panicked. When I felt really sick I panicked. Its very natural the way you are feeling and if you read across the boards you will find that you are by no means alone. As to when you will feel better, it depends if you are an anxious person by nature as to be honest Ive been a wreck the whole pregnancy, although saying that since Ive felt this baby move I have started to slightly enjoy this pregnancy more. I agree with Rosie that I seem to wait till I got to certain Dates. 12 weeks meant much less chance of miscarriage. 18 weeks should feel movement. 24 weeks viable baby if born. 28 weeks 9/10 babys live if born now. etc etc.

You mention you had a previous DVT, well I did in Sept 2003 and this was another of my fears. My Doctors were brilliant and I have been on Heparin injections since Week 7 (im now 28 weeks) and all so far is fine. Why dont you go and see your GP and get some special Support stockings for the flight, because they make 65% difference to chances of further DVT's and give you peace of mind.

Ragna xxx
Hi Ragna,

Thanks for your support and advice.

I am not usually a worrier just with my previous DVT history I am and I think I will be as Rosie says waiting to achieve each mile stone date.

I have a GP appointment on Friday to discuss my DVT history and when i went to buy support stockings yesterday i was advised I could get them on prescription and a higher compression facter then those sold off the shelf.

I wondered when they start Heperin as my sister had her first child in may and although she hasnt suffered a DVT she has been diagnosed with Facter Five leiden as well, they started her on heprin in her 18th week quite late, because of this 2 weeks ago her little boy of 4 mths coughed blood up several time and at the hospital after several checks he was diagnosed as having a blood clot passed from the mother which had travelled from his leg up through his mouth (common way for babies to bring a clot up, so she was informed)

I am hoping my GP is on the ball and will get me the correct treatment that is required.

One question, are you injecting using a needle or have you been able to buy one of those nebguns (diabetics use them i think)

Sarah XXX :D
Hiya Sarah

I too have the Factor Leiden Gene, and so has my sister. I am quite appauled that they started your sister so late on heparin as I was started immediately I found out I was pregnant at 7 weeks, and will remain on the injections until 6 weeks after the birth. I have already seen my Hemotologist about 3 times and due to see her when I am 32 weeks again. Im also meant to wear the support stockings but they cause my legs to swell and are so painful that I have stopped using them, as I think they have been incorrectly fitted.

I spoke to the Hemotologist about clots etc and she said that the worst time is actually the Six weeks after the baby has been born when you are most at risk, although I was 6 weeks pregnant in 2003 when I had my first DVT, sadly the baby died inside me by week 11 and they feel it was totally unrelated.

I have to inject myself once a day with a needle injection. When I was first told I was mortifed as I dont particulary like needles anyway and have to look away. For the first five months my husband would give me the daily injections which have to go into your stomach (5 cm away from your tummy button) One day its left hand side, following day right hand side. But for the past four weeks I have done it myself and to be honest its much less painful as the anticipation of someone else doing it is awful, therefore I would honestly recommened learning to do it yourself if you can. The needle is tiny and I can honestly say that 9/10 I feel absolutely NOTHING.

Think of it like this, as I do, its a very small price to pay. I have read up an awful lot on heparin and its actually now being used when people have miscarriage problems because many problems are caused by Clots in the placenta, which the heparin stops. There is no long term effects apart from the possiblity of hair loss (so far so good though) and it does not pass through the placenta to the baby which is good.

Good luck with your Doctors appointment on Friday and I would personally be asked to be refereed to your Hemetolgist, so they are involved in your pregnancy care as well as the consultants.

Ragna xxx
Hi Ragna,

Thanks for your response, i am going to ask if I can be referred back to my consultant whom I last saw fives years ago.

it is funny how all health areas are different my sister was told under no circumstances inject in the stomach she had to do her thighs. When I last injected I had to use my stomach.

Personally I think she has been poorly treated through out her pregnancy and after from lost notes twice during her stay in hospital to no health vistor up to five weeks after birth. no 8 week check and when she went to her GP for her final check after the birth she was told notes were lost again.

mind you it hasnt put her off she plans to try again next year and wants 4/5 children.

Thanks for your advice and I will update you once I have seen my GP


Well Pass a message onto your sister from me....

Tell her to go for it..Cos this my 6th baby and before 2003 didnt even know I was carrying the Factor leiden Gene !!! So dont let it hold her back !!

There is no problem having the injection in your stomach as you have so much fat there anyways...although I was told I could do in my thigh as well..when I get bigger.

Good Luck again

Ragna xxx

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