thats it..

Good luck - have you been on that trampoline yet?
Sooooo exciting! :)
You know what..if i wasnt so scared about giving birth while im away i would drive to gloucester..go to my aunties house..and jump on her trampoline for hours..stay there the night have a curry then drive home :rotfl: :rotfl:
Not in labour yet :shakehead: Typical guy doesnt wanna come out :shakehead:
Hes not been moving much over the past couple of days :think:
Maybe hes getting ready to come out :dance:
Preparing for his journey into the big wide world!

Ohhh it's getting exciting! :cheer:
I wonder how long its going to take him :think:
Im getting fed up of waiting now :(
It's a week otday you are booked in to be induced isn't it?
Even if he doesn't come inbetween now and then, it;s only a week hun and you'll have your little Damon!
i least there is that..a week today i iwll be crapping myself if hes not here :rotfl: :rotfl:
ahh thank you mate :hug: :cheer:
hopefully i will pop before then :pray: :pray:
Well of course, but the final countdown is most definetly on though!
at least if friday comes and i still havnt popped i have got all day to make sure i have got everything ready before i go :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Exactly, you'll be all prepared (well packed & ready to go) at least!
at least when i have popped i wont have to hear "are you still here?!" all the drives me nuts :wall: :wall:
No, it'll just be a thousand othre questions! :lol:
MIL even called me greedy last night for not sharing him :shakehead: :shakehead:
Ah well you know who's gonna be the first babysitter then, and if she says anything just say well you were the one that said i was greedy for not sharing him, so here you go!

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