Wahooo i'm full Term... & had a show?!?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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sooo hapy i've made it to full term....

oh and i think i had a show last nite.. sorry for TMI but was bloody discharge, put pad in, and more has come out over nite, got period pains, and after sat naturday nite's crash/ contractions i got a feeling this may be it..

if i do Que jump ladys, i apologise in advance..

i'm not ready, and i'm petfieifed....

Edit... i've just lost either all or alot of my plug... was horrible!! you'll def know it when see it...
whats happening? is he coming? :o xx
contact the labour ward hun and have a chat with them if its just your plug and youve not had any contractions or anything then it could still be a while :hug: xxxxxxx
thx for reply chick,

i was monitored on sat night in hosptial and was having contractions... they didnt hurt, just iccle ones... reading up to 60..

i've been having the same tightenings yesterday and now.. no frequence to tem tho as such, can hardly feel them...

Hi Charlotte :wave:

Congrats on full term. :dance:

I'm clueless on the whole 'show' thing but this is so exciting, your little boy might be coming a little bit earlier than you expected.

Hope you are ok and keep us updated.

:hug: xxxx :hug: xxxx :hug:
Oooer sounds like things are on the move (could be a while yet...but also may be quicker than you think!)
Good luck hunni! :cheer:
ninjawomble said:
Oooer sounds like things are on the move (could be a while yet...but also may be quicker than you think!)
Good luck hunni! :cheer:

thanks for repld girls... how long does it normally take, could i still go to 40weeks ? xx
Ooh it sounds hopeful!! Doubt you'll make 40 weeks now!! :cheer:
Becky said:
Ooh it sounds hopeful!! Doubt you'll make 40 weeks now!! :cheer:

i've got really strange period pains...

i think hes being cheeki and teasin me lol xx
Yes it ould be a while I had losss of plug and moderate contractions from 36 weeks and went to 40 +2. You just never know with these things when its going to happen, talk to your mw if you have any conscerns especially after your frightful weekend, sorry to hear about that by the way :hug:
Yay for been full term :dance:
And congrats on the show, he,he its more than ive had and im 8 days ova now so hopefully should be soon for you hun, i think they say it can be up to 2 weeks after your show till u go into labour but not sure!
Good luck.xxx :)
Congrats on being full term hun! :cheer: :cheer:
Ooooh I hope things do get moving for you hun! :cheer: :cheer: :hug:
Congrats on full term! Let's hope things start moving for you.....xxx

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