thats it..


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2006
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0 fed up.
There will be tmi in here so look away now if you dont want to read my rant.
Well i have period type pains and they are driving me crazy..i dont miss being on my period at all..i have been for 2 poo's today so my arse doesnt know whats hit it..and i could feed 5000000000000 with what appears to be my plug.
Ok i know you didnt need to know that but it has made me feel better sharing it with you all :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
yey youve had your plug :dance: lol shouldnt be long now! like I said in the other topic do a massive blitz in you house and make your body think your nesting :lol:
:rotfl: You do make me laugh!

Just think in a week or two you'll be wondering what all the fuss was about, and then you'll be coaching us when we're overdue and ready to kill!
well i think being rather blunt about it made me feel alot better :D
hopefully not long to go now :dance:
Such a way with words! :rotfl:

Jump up and down on a trampoline or something!
I think my old boss at toys r us would have something to say about that :rotfl: :rotfl:
There you go, go and "visit" them, but have a bounce on everything! :lol:
aww eblinx :rotfl:

hope baby comes soon for you. :hug:
aww! fingers crossed it happens soon for you!
Hopefully you are right and im not far off it :dance:
ooooooOOOooo I said on a different thread that you would be going into labour on thursday (today) I hope you do... you could be holding Damon by tomorrow :dance:
Oooh imagine if he did make an appearance today or tomorrow!
well as long as its tomorrow thats ok 8) :dance:
Dont get your hopes up though..i have given up hope of giving birth before my induction date now :wall: :(
Sounds promising Eblinx - perhaps your waters WILL break on MIL sofa!!
that would be so funny..i know how she likes everything perfect :rotfl: :rotfl:
Sorry only just seen this thread, how are things this morning eblinx? xx
ooh only just seen this, how exciting! Come on eblinx, get pushing :lol:
He doesnt want to shift..i am most upset that my waters didnt break while i was there last night :shakehead: :shakehead:
Im never going to give birth at this rate :wall: :wall:
awww hun I came online to see if you had any signs yet.

It'll happen before your induction date ...ill keep everything crossed :pray: xx

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