Testing Monday 9/19


New Member
Sep 13, 2011
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I am newly married..yay me.. and of course my husband and I are having a lot of sex. Nothing new. We are trying for our first child together :shock: I had a period on the 26th of July. A week later I started spotting for a four days. I believe it was during my ovulation not pregnancy spotting. I have a period every 26 days like clockwork if not just a day late. On the 21st of august I started my period again, lasted only 5days with a few clots...However, we have sex everyday throughout this cycle and I started bleeding on the 7th of September. It started out as brown spotting and was bright red the next day, then pink, ending with a brown pink color. :oooo: Not heavy like a period but not spotting either. It comes and stops for a few hours and starts again. It just stopped yesterday the 11th. Im not sure how implanting bleeding looks but I had no cramps, no clots, no sore boobs or anything ..just back pains, gassy, very tired, craving sweets and lemon pepper, bananas, tuna, bubbly tummy, shortness of breath, the urge to use the restroom, nausea and it seems I just can't get full off anything. My belly appears bloated also..even after the bleeding... I took a pregnancy test today and it was negative not sure where to go from here. I have a doctors Appointment next Monday but Id like to know if anyone else has experienced this?? This 2ww is really getting to me :wall2: we really want a baby but I'm afraid to test anytime soon. Hubby got me to go to the doctor next Monday..only bc his bday is Tuesday...:2ww:
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Congratulation on your marriage, i married in May and we have been TTC since then.

I think you might have some signs - i am keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Aww my hubby's birthday tues too :)

lets hope we both have a nice :bfp: for them!

Fx hun!!


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