Test results


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2018
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I’ve had some test results back today which show the miscarriage was caused because of chromosomes. Does anyone know what this means or where I go from here? X
Hi lucyr, when you say caused by chromosomes do you mean that the pregnancy tissue was tested and found to be chromosomally abnormal? Or did you have karyotyping testing done on you and your oh?

If it was the pregnancy tissue then that is the most common cause of miscarriage and is usually just ‘bad luck’ or so they say.’ Did they tell you what chromosome it was and what they plan to do next? Xx
Sorry I was very vague I had pregnancy tissues tested need to wait another month for all the other tests x
When I had my pregnancy tissue tested the consultant said that we wanted it to come back as chromosomally abnormal as it is just one of those things that happens and is the cause of 50% of all miscarriages and it doesn’t mean it will happen again and nothing would have changed the outcome. I’m not sure if that helps at all as what you’re going through is awful and you just want answers, but from what my consultant said that test result might not be as scary as you think it sounds. I hope your other results give you the answers that you want xx
Thank you that does reassure me a little bit as I think I just thought the worse which is what I do all the time. It’s just the waiting about I hate I just want answers really. Hopefully I get some more answers soon as I don’t think I’d cope with another miscarriage at the moment
It’s not surprising with everything that you’ve been through, Ye the waiting for results is horrible, I hope it goes really quickly over the next month and you can get some answers and they can come up with a plan for you xx
Thank you yeah hopefully something comes of it x
I had a chromonal abnormality from one of my MC it was turners syndrome trisomy 21, It doesn't make it any better but its actually one of the most common causes of miscarriage! Only 1% of Turners girls are delivered to term!
I hope you get answers soon. I will help any way I can, so feel free to ask any questions xx
Thank you. I think when I first heard it I panicked and thought that’s it i can never have kids. And I know that may still be the case but then the more I read up on it and stuff like that I have a little bit of hope that it happen for us. I will obviously find out more at my appointment x
Honestly Chromosomal is one of the biggest reason for MC. Ive had 6 MC now, but been promised its nothing to do with genetics and my chromosomes! I only had one tests so cant be sure on the rest... But the Baby im carrying now looks to be very healthy ( still dont want to jinx anything )
Have you had your appointment yet?
So sorry for your losses how have you coped? And congratulations. Nope no tests yet I’ve got to wait until two months after for all the blood tests then need to ring the consultant I’ve got an ultrasound booked on and that’s about it at the moment for dates. I did have a appointment in October but they called and said the doctors had referred me to the wrong clinic so it’s been a lot of back and fourth really x

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