Test line is getting lighter, when to expect bleeding?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2018
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Hi, my test line started to get darker since 9DPO until 12 DPO, since then is going lighter and lighter (FRER). I am 4 weeks today, it is the official test day, I took a FRER that is lighter than yesterday and i took a one step and it is negative. Yesterday a Clear Blue digital said "not pregnant". So I would like to know what will happen now? Do I need to ring a doctor tomorrow? When the bleeding will start? Would be different than a normal period?
I wish I never tested early so I wouldn't go through this, it is so painful.
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Sorry to hear that :( the bleeding from a CP can start any time once the lines get lighter, it should be in a couple of days. It will be the same as a regular period, maybe slightly heavier/more crampy. Hopefully next time it sticks x
Thank you WinterWolf , I don't know what to expect and is already so hard to understand what's going on and why is happening....:sad:
Sorry to hear that sweetie. I had 2 chemicals in a row and they were both quite different. I think I had one at about 6 weeks and one at about 4 weeks.

The first was a bit rough, clotty and a bit crampy. The second one I honestly don't think i'd have noticed a difference if I hadn't tested early as it was just as normal as a regular period.

The hormone dip is the biggest pain in the arse I found, leaves you feeling quite vulnerable for a few days. Make sure you talk it out and look after yourself xx
Sorry to hear that sweetie. I had 2 chemicals in a row and they were both quite different. I think I had one at about 6 weeks and one at about 4 weeks.

The first was a bit rough, clotty and a bit crampy. The second one I honestly don't think i'd have noticed a difference if I hadn't tested early as it was just as normal as a regular period.

The hormone dip is the biggest pain in the arse I found, leaves you feeling quite vulnerable for a few days. Make sure you talk it out and look after yourself xx

It is so painful, I am just so down....thank you for your support xx
No worries. Take care of yourself. I had a chemical a few months before conceiving too. They're called chemicals because you wouldn't know if you didnt test early. I think with mine AF was 4 days late in the end. It's hard, but I'm sure you'll be getting a sticky positive soon x
I started to bleed. What will happen now? Do I still to tell the doctor tomorrow? Do I count it as a "normal" period?
I will never test early again, I am destroyed, it is too horrible to know that my crumble didn't make it....
Crumble I am so, so sorry. It is absolutely devastating. I had an early m/c right before this pregnancy and it truly destroyed me. I think the hormone crash is worse than the physical symptoms. It was like a very heavy period, very little physical pain. It was kind of a relief when the bleeding started, and then when the bleeding stopped I felt a hundred times better right away, just to have that behind me and to be able to move on in that respect. Huge hugs, take care of yourself, we are all here for you. it's really just the worst thing, I truly understand and I'm so sorry.
Night owl in the TTC August post explained to me what to do with doctor and that I can not ring if I don't feel any sign of infection, so I will not ring. The flow it is already heavy and painful (tmi). I feel relieved to have the bleeding started as you said Kholl.....I feel like it is been my worse nightmare, have a positive that stopped to be. It is a loss I wish to nobody....it is horrible.
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Yeah. I was absolutely steamrolled by grief. I was shocked at how devastating it was, I really had no idea it could level me to the degree that it did. I was just utterly destroyed. For me the intense unbearable unfathomable grief lasted about 10 days (as long as the bleeding). And he DAY the bleeding stopped I felt like myself again. I think what helped was telling people (select people, ones with whom I was close, or neighbors/friends who I knew had had miscarriages themselves). They checked in, brought me food, stuff like that. I felt taken care of and not alone.

Huge hugs.
Thank you Kholl to share with me your experience, make me feel not alone <3
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There&#8217;s so many of us that go through loss; you are definitely not alone.

I found hot water bottles helped a lot, as well as warm baths, and lots of pain relief.

Hope you feel better soon. I was overwhelmed with grief for months
There’s so many of us that go through loss; you are definitely not alone.

I found hot water bottles helped a lot, as well as warm baths, and lots of pain relief.

Hope you feel better soon. I was overwhelmed with grief for months

I don't have a hot water bottle but yesterday evening I wished I had one, so o think is time to buy one.
Thank you so much to all of you for your support xx
So sorry crumble. Wheat packs work well for bad cramps too if you don't have a hot water bottle x
Thank you girls, the cramps are getting better now and the bleeding isn't heavy as is been yesterday and this morning. I think my little crumble is gone out this morning as I saw dark "material" (tmi sorry) different then the usual on the toilet roll and on the pad.... :sad:
I been with my best friend today and she been so supportive as she has a miscarriage some years ago too. I am feeling very tired and down, I am trying to rest and let those feelings go <3
So sorry crumble :hug: I'm glad you had your friend to confide in, it really helps to be able to talk about whats happening. I hope you begin to feel a little more like yourself once the hormones have settled, but i suspect it will take time. Remember to be kind to yourself and take care of yourself. Much love being sent your way xx
An update so maybe I am helping who is searching information about chemical pregnancy:
I been to the doctor, he confirmed the miscarriage as he said that the home test today is accurate and never give you few positives as mistake. He checked my belly and said everything is ok, to let the miscarriage go naturally and take some paracetamol if is still painful. He said we can try again straight away as was an old thing to wait one month as before they didn't have scan to evaluate the time in the next pregnancy after a miscarriage. So, I have just to wait it is finished....and go forward. It is an emotional rollercoaster at the moment, I can't wait it is over.

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