Welcome to the world of TTC!! Hope it's a short journey for you. You will find lots of opinions on this so you will need to find what works for you. I'm very happy to share mine
We were TTC for 3 years in total which was a long slog and by the end we were totally fed up and exasperated so apologies if this sounds really negative but on the other hand I also think you can argue that it's also quite practical. That's what I'm telling myself!!
I found that OPKs helped me to get to know my cycle. After sorting out a few problems, my cycles were very regular and predictable. I only used cheap OPKs (you can get a pack of 30 or more off Amazon etc) as I found they worked well for me. Yes the Clear Blue smiley face is very nice but I just couldn't justify the cost as I peed on a lot of sticks in 3 years!! My cycles were 25-27 days long and I always got my positive between CD11-CD13. In the beginning, I started testing from CD7 but soon cut that down to CD10. I stopped once it was positive. Lots of ladies do multiple tests a day. I tended to just test in the evening and maybe again in the morning if I thought it was getting close. As my cycles were so regular, I would have stopped doing them as there was no question that I was ovulating every month but I found it very useful to know that af would get me 2 weeks after the positive. It meant there was no false hope and I was totally clear on whether I was late that particular month.
As for pregnancy tests, I never kept any in the house!! I know that totally goes against the norm around here but I just didn't see the point in testing early. As we were trying so long, negative tests staring me in the face was the last thing I needed. I was better off just waiting for af since by this point I knew when she was going to arrive. I refused to test until I was actually late - I'm talking days as the time we actually caught was the first time I'd ever been late in my life and I wanted to be really sure. I couldn't have dealt with faint lines and maybes. Obviously if you do want to test early, most of the ladies on here go for FRER (first response early response) as it's one of the most sensitive. If you wait as long as I did then any test will do!! Once there's a good line, most ladies like to do a Clear Blue digital. These are quite expensive so you don't want to be wasting them by testing too early but it's nice to see the printed words.
Hope this helps!