test again next weekend?


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2011
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hey girls

well im on cd 43 today and still no sign of af....seriously considering doing another hpt on the weekend as even tho its very possible, im finding it hard to accept that after coming off BCP in july and having a 36 day cycle and a 37 day cycle that i can now be on 43 days plus!
it doesnt seem to make sense and its annoying me a bit now...feel like screaming to my body "why wont you work"

Also have been BD'ing with DH as in the past it would "encourage AF along" but nothing.

Very frustrated
I love this forum tho as its awesome for venting....im going to assume its been a saviour for all us girls TTC in avoiding rows with DH's and OH's who woodnt understand us lol
hey girls

well im on cd 43 today and still no sign of af....seriously considering doing another hpt on the weekend as even tho its very possible, im finding it hard to accept that after coming off BCP in july and having a 36 day cycle and a 37 day cycle that i can now be on 43 days plus!
it doesnt seem to make sense and its annoying me a bit now...feel like screaming to my body "why wont you work"

Also have been BD'ing with DH as in the past it would "encourage AF along" but nothing.

Very frustrated
I love this forum tho as its awesome for venting....im going to assume its been a saviour for all us girls TTC in avoiding rows with DH's and OH's who woodnt understand us lol

:hugs: xxx
Oh hun thats so annoying! I had a 36 day cycle last month and that was a nightmare! I hope your body gets back to normal soon....saying that you never know you could be pregnant, that would be nice wouldnt it :) x
it would be absoluely amazing....im highly doubtful though as i find it hard to believe im gonna be in that 3% of girls who dont show straight away on a hpt...odds seem too slim somehow.I would be soooo happy tho if i was....its my bday december so would be an amazing early bday and xmas present...said to mum the other day its all i want for xmas is to be expecting :) xxxx
hi bella

i've been the same for the last 4 cycles since mirena removed - its extremely annoying and frustrating as the 2 ww feels like the 22 ww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

did the same as you (BD'd loads thurs/fri) and it did work for us this time - af appeared saturday morning. was actually relieved as its sometimes better than waiting :mad:

keep your chin up and will soon by your month

clara x
Thanks hun. Iv got to the stage il b glad of anythin as hate bein in this kind o f limbo :( xx
My mistake i wrote im on cd 43 but actually its 45 ( well technically its gone midnight so cd 46)

Man that makes me feel even crappier xx
bellarina - you chart dont you? how many dpo are you? If you are sure you are not preggo Ive heard a hot bath and an orgasm can bring it on!
bellarina - you chart dont you? how many dpo are you? If you are sure you are not preggo Ive heard a hot bath and an orgasm can bring it on!

Hi hun ye im charting. Officially on cd 48 today. Tried both of those hun as theyv worked in the past but still nothing :( very frustrated. Gonna test msybe saturday an if still bfn im gonna resign myself to the fact im not pg an that my cycles hav just decided to screw up later rather than sooner xx
:( Sorry to hear that you are still waiting for the witch.....why doesnt she show when you want her to?!?!? So not fair!! I hope it sorts itself out soon as stays regular! FX for you hun! xxxx

p.s - Even better if you get your BFP and the reason is that there is a healthy little one growing nice and big in there ! :) FX FX FX FX xxxx
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yeh id be over the moon if its just my little bean being shy (tho id prob worry then that there was summit wrong because it hadnt showed for so long lol)

deep down im thinking cycles are just starting to mess up tho.

Bought a proper basal thermometer the other day as so far been using normal digi one, so hopefully with new one itl be more sensitive and il be able to chart properly next cycle

thanks for support girls xxx
Hope you get a resolution soon! Obviously a BFP is ideal but sometimes when the witch is just toying with us, her just showing up would be great!! xx
yeh exactly hun, if im defo not pg i want af to show so i can get on with trying again xxx
im new too the site, but just wanted to say know how you feel, im 5 days late normally 26-28 days.
tested loads all BFN :dohh: im going to test again at weekend and if still no answers going to see gp.
good luck let us know how you get on

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