Can this be right??


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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Hey ladies....confused!

Right Af started 5th May.....
Then had bleeding again on 28th after another positive hpt on 24th.... giving me a 23 day cycle...

So am due to Ov in three only really left properly yesterday and Ive just did an OPK and sure enough theres a line there! So I guess Im about to Ov at any time soon.....

Can this be right tho....23 day cycle.....And ready to BD without a break from AF??

Its totally confused me but will go with it and crack on with the Bdancing as of tonight....but never had such a short cycle and had to start BD the day after AF leaves....anyone else had this?

My LPhase from jan/feb to now has been as follows...14 12 16 15 13 so doenst look like LPdefect thats stopping me staying pregnant!

Any ideas?? xxx
Every woman I'd did bab when inwas ttc I ov'd a day or so after my af a couple of times but my cycles were ling normally so if I had a short one this would happen I don't know if is the same as yours tho best just bd and find out :-D x
hiya wilma, i would def just keep track of ov by opk, and do charting if u havent already tried it, once the temp rises after ov then u can count ur lp this cycle just to see what is happening. if opk becomes positive today then just go with it. maybe somone's looking after u and givin u a short wait til u can start trying again and hopefully u wil def get a bfp this time...!xxxxx
Are you temping chick? OPK's are good but they only detect a surge in your hormones they aren't gospel for saying you O'd. A temp rise is the only way to know 100% if you O'd. Checking CM is a good indicator too!! xx
Perhaps you still have the couple of days after your surge before ov?

Sounds good tho for shorter cycles and less waiting about Wilma! enjoy the baby dancing XX
Hey ladies thanks! Tl im not temping atm no coz I tend to sleep stupid amounts of hours at times so dont always wake up in the 'morning' as it were but would I still detect a rise if I wasnt taking temp at the same time every day? CM is virtually non existent atm in the way of EWCM...its just very yellow and dry....(tmi sorry) I cant believe Im meant to be O'ving again so soon! Was going to try tonight but Ive been at a girlie night (doing a jewellery party) and just got home and Im pooped so thinking were going to have to squeaze a couple of quickies in this weekend as weve got loads of stuff to go to this weekend arggghhhhh!

Hey Kaz I would like to think someones giving us a helping hand one way or another! Hopefully ehh!!

Def liking the short waiting time JJ...and yeah when I muster up the energy to dtd Im sure we will lol ! Ha xxx
Getting busy this weekend sounds like a good thing to do. Fingers crossed for you hun. xx
Thanks Mrs B....yup Im sure we can pop a couple of sessions in over the next few days!

I used Preseed and did the SMEP last month which involved BD on cd8 (today) then every 48 hours up till you ovulate, then three days in a row, miss a day then one more for luck!

Not sure if I should try that method again or just crack on every 48 hours.....some people and Drs say every day others say ever other day!

Mmmmmm................??? xxx
i was on a 24day cycle when i felll but i was on clomid and for some reason it shortedned my cycle good luck xxx
Oh really SL....can I ask...I know a lot of the ladies talk about Clomid but what exactly is that for please? xx
Good luck hunni!!

I would definately give temping a go - You never know it might help you or it might not! But what have you got to loose?
I don't always take my temps the same time - weekends are pretty hit and miss, but I've not noticed a difference between temps taken at say 6:30 and those taken at 8:30 - as long as I make sure I do them before I move too much!!
Ah right thanks Bonny I will start from tomorrow! Did try temping when I got preg and noticed my temps stayed high for about 15 days then I stopped and got BFP few days later! So who knows but like you say nothing to lose! xxxx

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