Terry Nappies


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2009
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Just wondering if anyone has any first hand experience of using terry nappies? I want to use them for my first baby (better for the environment, more economical etc) but have heard mixed reviews.

I wanted to go for the squares you fold yourself (suitable from birth to potty training), with disposable liners and extra boosters for night time.

If anyone has any thoughts, it would be much appreciated!
Frances I've no experience, due my first in July but I was keen to give reusable nappies a go too, probably the pre-folded ones though. Everyone seems to be putting me off, like my mum and MIL are very cynical that I'd stay with them over disposables? Any experience from others would be enlightening :)
I have some terry nappies that Im going to use, they are new but old Mothercare ones from when my sister had a baby, she never used them. I need to go to Mothercare and see if they have the necessary inserts etc to go with them. I will probably use a combination of washables (terry and TotsBots) and disposables, to make my life as easy as possible but Im keen to do the right thing for my environmental conscience! Sorry I cant offer any other advice :)
We used re-usable nappies with our little boy from birth until he was about a year old and I loved them. Yes they are abit more work than disposable, but I felt good knowing that I was doing my bit for the environment and I soon got used to the routine of pre-making the nappies up and washing them and in the whole time in which we used them, our son never had nappy rash and I am sure that is down to the nappies. The downside to re-usables in my opinion is that as he got older and more mobile, they were very bulky and made it abit harder for him to move around which is why we stopped using them when he started walking. Also, we had to have slightly bigger bottoms as they were bulky, but that may have been down to the nappies we used and there are so many different varieties on the market. I shall be using them again this time around though!! Hope this helps.x
I use washables too, I found the squares quite difficult to get on with but have found the fitted ones great, I am struggling a little now he's more mobile so have bought a couple of all in ones (waterproof wrap is already attached) for use during the day when he's trying to escape nappy change
Okay thanks for all your input. Really am keen to use them but guess I need to decide whether Terrys or shaped ones like Totsbots are best. Quite a big outlay to buy the totsbots ones so hope if I go down that route, I get on with them!
Mmmm just looked into the cost and seems like you can get yourself set up with the terry square ones for about £65 which is a good price I think. Think my plan is to do that at first (will have to enlist my MIL to teach me the folding!) and then if I really don't get on with them buy the preshaped ones. Least I wouldn't have wasted too much money.

Is it sad that I'm quite excited about buying nappies?! I really need to get out more...
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Out of interest, if I were to buy the tots bots bamboo nappies (which come in a size 1 and 2) how many of each would I need? The size 1 nappies go from 6lbs to 18lbs.

Also, has anyone used the bamboo? Is it better than cotton?

Would 5 wraps of each size be enough?
Hi, I used pre shaped nappies too and will use them again, they are much more cost effective and help with the enviroment. It takes a bit of organisation with the washing though. I would say you would need more than five wraps as they would probably get through a least that in one day as they don't last as long as disposables and need to be changed frequently. Also always handy to have an extra few so when your busy and had one of those days you have some to hand instead of staying up washing them!
There are some gorgeous nappies now, the coloured ones and patterened are my favourites :)
By wraps I mean the outer pants to cover the nappies - do you think I do need more than 5? I didn't think you had to change these every time you change the nappy!! How many do you think?
I had the bambino mio nappies and they are prefolds with an outer 'nappy' to enclose the whole nappy if you like, I would say that 5 would be fine. You dont need to change the outer every time unless there are some leaks! As long as you have enough to do a wash rota then you will be ok.x
I've finally taken the plunge and bought some shaped nappies (decided less bulky than terries) - opted for BumGenius nappies!

They seem good because:

- They're all in one - so no need for outer wraps
- They're sized from newborn to potty so you only need to buy one size
- They come with 2 sized inners, a thinner one for newborns and a padded one for older babies
- The outer wrap is apparently fairly quick drying (line dry) and the inners can be tumbled or line dried
- They come it loads of great colours although as I don't know the sex of baby, I just got white
- Got them for £268 for 20

Just remains to be seen how I get on with them when our baby is born!!

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