Terrible twos early?


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2013
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My little girl is 17 months old and for the past week she's been so naughty and disobedient every single day! I'm 5 months pregnant and it's draining me physically and mentally. I feel like all I do all day is tell her off. I'm also a carer for an elderly relative and I find my patience with him and her are at their limit at the moment. I can't even think about this little baby. She's started hitting me in the face and just not listening to anything I say to her. She will listen to her daddy but he works till 5 pm and a bollocking at the end of the day doesn't stop her from being a little shit the next day and the day after that! Any advice would be greatly appreciated before I go bald! X
My daughter is 15 months and some days she can be very naughty and even laughs when you tell her off! I think it is really hard to figure out what is for the best at this age as they are still quite young and don't really understand enough to know why they are being told off. My daughter has a habit of throwing her food on floor etc and telling her off gets me nowhere so now I just take the plate away and refuse to give her anymore food until the next snack time or meal time and she has now got a bit better and doesn't throw anywhere near as much food around now. She also has a habit of throwing her toys across the room sometimes so I will just take them off her and put them away until she starts behaving herself. She seems to respond better to me taking things off her rather than just telling her off. My daughter also went through a phase of hitting and seemed to think it was a game so everytime she went to do it I held her hand so she couldn't and told her off, she still does it occasionally but nowhere near as much. What kind of naughty things is you daughter doing apart from hitting? X
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We are going through the same thing so I am following.
We are going through the hitting stage at the moment, slapping for no reason and hitting other kids for nothing.
I am currently trying the naughty step and he seems to get the idea of it and now stays put until I tell him to come off but Im struggling when we are out and about. When he does it I am not shouting but telling him in a stern voice that its naughty.

I am just trying to plod through it, I know its a stage and he will grow out of it. He has great speech for 20 months but I still see he gets frustrated when he cant say what he wants.

Thanks for your replies. She does thinks like hitting and slapping my face. She swiped a load of stuff of my dads window sill and when I told her off and moved her she went straight back to it and knocked more stuff off before I could get to her! Ripped wallpaper off the wall. Just things like that. I think im struggling more because im hormonal lol and not sleeping much due to being pregnant. I just worry when the baby comes that she will be such hard work x
My mam has told me to ignore bad behaviour and they will learn that they arnt getting any attention - praise good behaviour and they will learn that they arnt getting any attention from being naughty and will stop. But its difficult if im in public and he hits another child, I cant just ignore him !! If he has a paddy out and about I just walk away and he soon comes chasing !

LO started at just over a year old! I was pregnant again and had severe MS so OH started spening a lot of time looking after her and she found new independance from me, which was a mixed blessing, lol. She has always been a very intense active child with strong oppinions and I think so much change in routine triggered some early terrible twos. Since then it has improved but kind of comes and goes in phases. She really acts out if she is over tired, not feeling well or out of routine. I think the important thing to remember is that most of the time are not acctually trying to be naughty when they do things like have tantrums or hit, they are just testing bounderies and experimenting while they learn how to deal with other people and their needs, wants and imotions. Being a baby when mummy gives you everything you want, is so much easier, lol. Most of the time not making a big deal over bad behavior has worked for us.
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I feel for you especially with the added stress of benign a carer and pregnant!

My mg is 19m and although she had bad days generally she's quiet well behaved - but I'm well preparing myself for that to change!

I'm trying to think back to two months ago and I might be doing your lo an injustice but I don't think my lg would reeeeally understand that she was being naughty, just that she was getting attention? Try not to think of her being naughty and more being inquisitive!! Haha yeah right!

Maybe distract her so when she's being bad. When Rosie use to throw food I would distract her by getting her to feed me some, then daddy some, then I would feed her some, and she soon forgot she was throwing stuff on floor! It did mean I had to eat some very soggy and questionable bits of food but it helped massively!! Xx

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