TENS machines. Can't decide!


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2011
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I can't decide if I want to rent out one or not. My thoughts:

1. Many people say they didn't work for them
2. You only can use them during the first stage of labour, when things are not that bad anyway (I hope?)
3. The main point: can sending electrical pulses through my body really not affect the LO in any way??? It sounds rather scary! I know they say that there are no _known_ effects on the baby, but still...

Any advice?
I used one up until I was about 4cm.and I was induced so much more intense so I prob would have survived longer with it if natural labour. It did help. Took the pain away really. They don't work b4hand bt def do during labour n I still don't no how lol. I rented mine from Tesco pharmacy xxx
rented mine form a company online, it as really greta and took pain away. Was also induced, used it all night, all day. Pretty sure there is absoloutely no risk to baby xx
I used one last time although 15 years ago now I'm sure it helped even if it was just a distraction! I managed with nothing else but also forgot it was even on near the end at full power! I had all my pains in my back so think it did give a bit of relief there. I would say it's got to be better than pumping chemicals into you and your baby's body, but it does sound a bit strange shocking your muscles into spasms, guess it's like those tummy toner belts people use! I kind of liked the feeling from it! Not sure if I'll bother with it this time though as I'm going down the hypno and water route but my sister has loaned me hers incase, think she got it for about £20 from a chemist.
I used mine all the way through labour!!! I stopped about 1 hour before he was born! It did get to the stage where it wasnt controlling pain anymore but it gave me something to concentrate on for sure. Hire one, its not a lot to spend if it ends up being your saviour and if you dont use it you dont use it! xxx
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i used mine all the way through. You only need to stop using it if you get in the bath. i thought it was excellent. Needed a bit of gas n air at the end to get through the pushing but would have needed something else without the tens. I used an online company also. Natures Gate. i did call and ask lots of stupid questions and the woman i spoke to was very patient with me! Good luck.
Ah yeah, I used Natures gate lot too. It def helped. Did not call tho all online. £20 i think.
I'm thinking about it too, I went to the antenatal class and she showed us. There is absolutely no harm where as the baby is concerned!
i think you can hire one for about £20 for 6 weeks.
Check on line or maybe have a look locally if you want to buy one, they are not expensive to buy either.
I already ordered one actually :) was 25 pounds... Thanks anyway :)
I've put an order in today to hire one. At this stage, I'm pretty much of the opinion that I'll try anything that may help. Starting to get a bit scary and imminent.....
You strap pads onto your back and it gives you electric shocks, sounds mad but it interupts other pains and is meant to distract from the other pains. You can control the intensity of the shocks yourself and turn it up when you want to. It didn't work for me personally, I found it really irritating, but a lot of people have positive experiences using them. You can loan them from some hospitals for free.
Sounds um...fun lol. I domt see though how it doesn't hurt or stress the baby?
Mine helped loads in the early stages and I left it on all the way through.

Only realised it was still on after I was checked for any tearing etc.
Blackroseuk well apparently it doesn't at all. The impulses are too weak to stress the baby I believe
TBH I found it didnt take away the pain for me but it was a great distraction (which in itself is a form of pain relief for many). Give it a go, some people love it dont they and its perfectly safe xx
I checked with my MW who said studys showed that it has no effect on the baby just the muscles that are effected by the contractions (or something like that). My baby came out very alert and calm.
I bought a tens machine and used it with my first labour and it did ease the pain. Didnt use it with my second as i had hidden it away and couldnt find it and wish i had bothered to search for it so now im on my 3rd pregnancy 17 weeks and its already in my bag!! x

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