Ten pounder.....


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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rachael (my 4th) was a ten pounder. 10 pounds one and half to be exact.
I had her at home with gas and air , a gym ball and a fantastic midwife.
Shes a darling little thing now. She now weighs 22 Ibs. :D and shes 11 months old (nearly)
Hannah was 10lb 4oz born at 35+5 by emergency c section
My son was bang on 10lb! Labour was very quick and drug free. My midwife said that larger babies are usually easier to deliver as there is more weight behind them to bring them down, not sure how true that is!

The only thing that went wrong for me was I lost a lot of blood and was on a drip and nil-by-mouth for 24 hours after birth in case surgery was needed, apparently excessive blood loss is also common when large babies are born.

My friend's daughter was 11lb 12oz!! She bled a lot too!
soulem said:
My son was bang on 10lb! Labour was very quick and drug free. My midwife said that larger babies are usually easier to deliver as there is more weight behind them to bring them down, not sure how true that is!

The only thing that went wrong for me was I lost a lot of blood and was on a drip and nil-by-mouth for 24 hours after birth in case surgery was needed, apparently excessive blood loss is also common when large babies are born.

My friend's daughter was 11lb 12oz!! She bled a lot too!

god i didn't think it was easier than the smaller ones i had previously. She got stuck and I had to really push her out and it fooking hurt :talkhand:
My sister's just had her third daughter, she was 10lb exactly. She had her at home with a birthing pool and gas & air. The shoulders got stuck at it took over 25 minutes from the top of the head coming out to baby Roxy actually being born.

She's a cutey now though, 9 days old!
budge said:
soulem said:
My son was bang on 10lb! Labour was very quick and drug free. My midwife said that larger babies are usually easier to deliver as there is more weight behind them to bring them down, not sure how true that is!

The only thing that went wrong for me was I lost a lot of blood and was on a drip and nil-by-mouth for 24 hours after birth in case surgery was needed, apparently excessive blood loss is also common when large babies are born.

My friend's daughter was 11lb 12oz!! She bled a lot too!

god i didn't think it was easier than the smaller ones i had previously. She got stuck and I had to really push her out and it fooking hurt :talkhand:

I found imogen easier to give birth to then stephen andshe was tiny :shock:
how bout this!

midna said:
fookin hell lol ... good effort on them 10lb`ers thou ..you know I didnt think you would see many girls over 10lb ..fantastic growing ladies ..

Budge your brave lol. I well wanna grow a 10lb`er any tips lol?

i don't know why rachael got so big. I think she was later than they thought as i didnt know my LMP at all as i got preggas unexpectedly and never chart my cycle ever.

why do you want a 10 pounder?
My cousins 1st baby was 10lb 10oz and she had a lot of trouble at the birth. She is 7 now and an only child!
and even though Hannah was a little elephant hun she still had problems which some big babies do, most of hannahs probs were with being early too
no hun there were 3 babies in scbu with hannah that were 10lb + and were there for one reason or another they just look healthy
midna said:
mary70 said:
and even though Hannah was a little elephant hun she still had problems which some big babies do, most of hannahs probs were with being early too

:( .. thats a shame ..Im a lil naive and presumed 10lb babies were jus mega healthy and loved there grub.

altho rachael wasn't breathing when she was born due to getting stuck etc.Shes been healthy ever since. She just needed rubbing a little to make her cry. :)
Tom was 10lbs 14oz and was born 3 weeks early!
The consultant wouldn't let me deliver naturally so I had a c-section.
Pain free and easy!
Tom's 8 months now and weighs 25lbs. I've got MUSCLES!
Maia was 10lb 5oz born by emergency c-section. She spent 3 days in NICU with breathing difficulties too. :(
nathan was my first he was 10lbs 3 oz natural birth with gas and air.
my midwifes is expecting this one to be the same although i think its gonna be smaller. :pray:
she has said thta they would let me deliver up to about 12 lbs before thinking about c section- which i dont want.
big babies can have problems ie getting stuck-nathan was sticky but he came out ok- and they can have problems with theyre blood sugars after theyre born- which is why some end up in SCBU.
I've had two whoppers....

my daughter was 10lbs 10oz
my son was 10lbs 1oz

both were overdue and induced, and vaginally delivered.

Neither had any health problems though, other than my son getting the cord wrapped around his neck. Other than that both were born healthy. My daughter's Apgars were 9 and 9, and my son's were 6 and 9.

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