Tempting fate by buying things


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2010
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Today I saw the most adorable baby grow ever. It was a TinTin and Snowy one in Bloomsbury. (Secretly adore TinTin and still read it all the time!)

But I don't want to tempt fate by buying anything. It just feels like a very bad idea and creating stuff to make me even more upset when witch comes.

JJ Mum had the good idea of putting £20 aside every month when the witch comes to build fund for future baby. An idea I think is fantastic. But I am going to tweek it slightly and set aside £27 this month if it comes, which is the price of the Tin Tin babygrow. That way I have saved up for it for when I am pregnant and it would be ok to buy it. And if I get period next month as well I shall only set aside £7.50 to get the fluffy hat that goes with it.

Or shall I just spend it on a manicure to cheer myself up?

Clem xx
Good idea, put the money away for when you are 3 months gone. I bought stuff in months 2/3 and then miscarried That stuff is haunting me, wish I had never bought it.
I think the money in a jar idea is wonderful! I wouldn't buy yet tbh, I waited until after scan and beyond (didn't buy until about 14 weeks) x I bought name books and a couple of baby grows previously and then miscarried and everything went in the bin as I couldn't bear to have it in the house! x x fingers crossed for you darling x
I don't think I would buy anything until the third trimester just incase.

LOL I need to get pregnant first though :)

clem - do your manicure yourself at home and save the money in your baby fund for your lovely tin tin baby grow when like Helen says you are 12 plus weeks gone. It will be sooo nice to go and treat yourself for getting past that big milestone X

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