Temps during pregnancy?

tots hope

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Good morning ladies! :wave:

I was just wondering about what temps should look like if you are pregnant? Mine have been going up since i ovulated and that was 15days ago - surely if it showed pregnancy it would have gone level at some point?

Little confussed? :?

Looks very promising Tots! When are you testing?
Your temps look great. I think its 18 days of high temps when they say you are likly to be pregnant. Only 3 to go. Good Luck :pray:

Do you have any other symptons?
My BB's feel a little sore but not major pain, not much CM either? Very conflicting symptoms. Had a metalic taste in my mouth about 10 days ago which has gone but i thought that was down to having a cold?

When are you going to test?

I hope its a BFP, them temps are high!
We are away for the weekend so not sure when to test? Do i test before and if i get a BFN then be all annoyed or wait or do i test hope to get a BFP and be all happy!

Thinking about symptoms my friend has just mentioned i have been peeing more than normal! Nice to have friends that notice :hug: and i'm also really hungry and its only 12:30

Im wondering if temps are a little too high if that is possible?

Is anyone else testing soon and when? I really wish everyone BFP's x x x
I think it only matters that temps are higher than before Ov, don't think it matters how high they are or whether they level out...have you tried "finding charts like yours" on FF?

might give you an idea??
whats your usual Luteal Phase? this should give u some idea as to when af due / how many days late etc ! even if u have irregular cycles they say the luteal phase stays the same !

temps loook amazing tho and if they were mine id be celebrating a bfp i think as my phase is 14 days !

good luck !
My LP is usually 10DPO but i have not been charting long so not sure how accurate this is (Currently 16 DPO). Did a test the other day and it was a BFN, might wait till monday and test then. Starting to feel as though AF is comings so not getting my hopes up too much at this point

You girls are really great at giving support so thank you :hug:
It maybe that you did not actually ovulate til maybe Monday or so the week after so you are not quite so far along in your luteal phase? If this is the case maybe a HPT would not show positive yet?

Just a though....

Your temps look great though, good luck :hug:
Just thought i would give an update. Started spotting today but slightly brown rather than red (sorry for TMI). Temps have dropped so i think this is the start of AF's visit! :(

Oh well means plenty of BD over the next couple of weeks!

Thanks all for your input
She definately got me :(

So annoyed but then i guess its something to look forward to with loads of BDing! :dance:
i guess u really did ovulate alot later then ff said u did :hug: better luck next month :hug:

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