Telling Your Family About Pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2011
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I have a generally lovely, supportive family and brilliant in-laws. However, I really feel that if/when we do get our BFP I want to avoid telling them until I am at least past the 5 month mark.

We don't live near them and they seldom visit due to the financial situation, so it would be unlikely for them to find out that way. I feel this is something I really want; the privacy and exclusivity of it just being us/a few close friends who know about it. I feel a bit guilty about "robbing" them of that time? My fiancé is fully supportive of me in this, we've discussed it at length.

Has anyone else done this (successfully)? How did your family react?
I didn't do this but feel that its entirely your right to do so if you wish. I know a few people who have done it for different reasons and it really wasn't an issue! Its no one elses business and like everyone else, you will have your reasons for doing things your own way...

However you could find that you are so excited and delighted that you simply cannot hide it and will want to tell the world! Its nice that your OH is fully supportive of your decision x
Thank you for your reply.

I think that I'm just a really private person when it comes to big things with my family. I would be happy to tell a few of my friends earlier on.
I told my parents a soon as I found out but with my 2nd we didn't tell OH's family until I was 13 weeks. They wasn't very happy about the pregnancy even though he was planned but was more annoyed we didn't tell them. It didn't bother me as I couldn't care less what they think but would your parents be annoyed? If your happy to keep it to yourselves for longer then good for you, don't feel pressured into telling them x x
My mother wouldn't be annoyed. My grandmother would be however the fact I breathe is a considerable disappointment to her. (she was disappointed when I was co-habiting without marriage, now she's disappointed I'm getting married *shrugs*)

I'm not scared of their reactions I just don't necessarily want to talk about it with them.
I'll be telling my family pretty much right away as I'm very close to them and see them a lot. So they'd twig pretty soon anyway.

I'll probably keep it to just DH and I until MS kicks in.

But with friends and his family I'm going to keep it secret until we know the sex of the baby.

If we see people earlier and I'm showing then I'll make sure to tell them we're keeping it quiet (& definitely not on FB) until the mid point. :)
I think we'd keep it to ourselves until the 3 month mark, and then we'd tell our families but not necessarily broadcast it.

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