Telling people?


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2008
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Hi everyone :wave:

I'm new round here, first time mum-to-be, currently at 7+2 (is that how you write it?!). Still trying to get my head round it all as I've had a few gynae problems this year and this was only our second cycle ttc - never in a million years thought it would happen so quick!

I got my BFP 2 weeks ago and so far we've only told my best friend and her fiance - apart from the docs/midwife etc! We don't live near our parents and we'd like to tell them in person so are making a trip to see hubby's folks at the end of the month (when i'll be nearly 9 weeks) and my folks beginning Sept (10 weeks). I want to tell so many people, but hubby doesn't want to tempt fate and wants us to wait until we reach 12 weeks (or even 14 weeks when i get the dating scan) - and it's killing me!!! He didn't even want to tell our parents until then either, but i've persuaded him otherwise!!!!

Who have you told and when? Anybody else keeping it secret?
Hello there and welcome,

I am just coming up for 10 weeks pregnant and we have only told our parents and our sisters. Its been so hard keeping it a secret from everyone else, especially as you can't tell people that you are feeling sick, emotional and tired!!!!

As soon as we have our 12 week scan on the 10th September we are going to shout it from the roof tops!!!!!

I know lots of people that have told everyone from day 1, I just think it seems like such a long pregnancy to everyone then plus if something did go wrong you have more people to have to share it with. x
I didn't want to tell ANYBODY until 12 weeks - apart from family - BUT my mum and dad both opened their mouths ( :roll: excited grandparents ) lol and so alot more people knew before i wanted them too, but the majority we told AFTER our 12 week scan!

congratulations btw :D :cheer:
im not letting anyone know they can guess!!!
Hellie123 and Leanne - how soon did you tell your parents? I feel bad every time we speak to ours that we're keeping it from them!

It's so hard to keep it secret though - although there is part of me that doesn't quite believe it myself yet.

My periods are irregular so it's not that unusual for me to go 7 weeks without one, and the cramping I've been getting over the last couple of weeks makes me continuously feel like it's about to start any minute! I've done 5 home tests now and they're all positive, so I guess I must be. I just can't wait until I have some proof! But I guess that's normal...?
As soon as we found out we told our parents and then brothers and sisters as if anything had gone wrong at the beginning i'd probably have wanted them to know anyway.

Didn't tell any friends or extended family until 12 weeks, so told everyone in the last week which has been brilliant, i couldn't wait but glad i did wait as i had a scan photo to show off and have more reassurance that things are ok.
We told everyone within about two weeks of us knowing as I couldn't keep my trap shut lol
We told our parents about two weeks are I got a BFP - We wanted to keep the news to ourselves for a bit and actually let it sink it, we were both so shocked that it had only taken a few months to happen. I am bursting to tell people, I do think people have guessed but I dont think anyone is up front enough to ask!!!!
Just wanted to say as well that its completely normal that you want reasusreance - I said to hubby I won't beleive its real until the 12 week scan, I did about 5 test over a two-three week period and seeing the test go positive made it seem real again.

Two days after finding out I was pregnant I went to the cinema with my Mum and my Mother-in-law and I was sitting inthe middle of them feeling guilty because I was keeping a secret from them!! ha ha x
all our close friends and family know- mainly cos OH has struggled to keep his mouth shut!
I told work on account of the vomitting and theyve been really good
would have liked to have waited until 12 weeks but we are not very good and keeping quiet about things!
I told my mum when I was 5 weeks and i am now 9 weeks and everybody knows apart from OH family because he is to soft to tell his mum and dad because I am 19 and he is 24 we have been together 6 years and he is older than his parents were but i suppose it can be difficult for some people to tell there parents its mad lol he is to soft, and we have our own house so there is nothing to worry about any advice xxx
I told my parents when I first got my BFP, but told them to keep it quiet!

We then waited until my 12 week scan.......and once everything was fine, we told everyone - in fact I sent out an email to all our friends announcing the news!
We told our parents as soon as we found out. I had very bad m/s so there was no way of hiding it.
Everyone else found out after our scan at 9 weeks.
We told parents and siblings first after only a coupld of weeks then told close friends as and when we have seen them over the weeks. We will not be announcing it to other family members, work and friends till after scan on 9th Sept.
i told my mum and sister at 6 weeks only because i had some bleeding and was meant to go shopping for my wedding dress and couldn't think of a good enough excuse!! we told matts mum a few days later when we had an early scan and a pic but we're waiting to tell my dad and stepmum after our next scan (tuesday) when we've seen the heartbeat..
the grand plan was to wait till our dating scan ( @ 10 weeks where i live!!) to tell everyone but it didn't work that way!! and also told my best friend and her hubby a couple of days after we found out because they knew we were trying plus we were out and she was trying to get me to drink - she would of seen straight through my fibs!!
With my first pregnancy we told our parents the day we found out, we also told my partners brother and sister-in-law the same day, we were so excited and there was no way I would have been able to keep it quiet as we had been TTC for 3 years (approx), other than them and a few friends I didn't tell anyone else I was pregnant until I was around 20 weeks, that was more to do with the fact that I only had a temporary contract where I worked and was applying for a perm contract (didn't think they'd give me a perm contract if they knew!)

This time we told family again the day we found out and I told work at about 11 weeks, there was no way I could have kept this pregnancy quiet until 20 weeks as I am so much bigger than last time (visably pregnant - last time I was still really slim until about 22 weeks)

I'd just tell people when it feels ready for you. :D
I told my mum straight after we did the test. She promptly (while still on the phone) told my sister! We kept it to immediate family to start with and intended to keep it a secret until our scan which was at 10 weeks but we ended up telling a few people over that time. I told a close friend at work and as she was pregnant too we had fun keeping our secret together!

We kinda just told people as and when really - once we were ready.
My mum 'guessed' when I was 6 weeks :shock: so we told our parents at 6 weeks. Didn't tell friens until about 12 weeks though.

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