

Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2005
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Zoe¨'s teething! she has been chewing on hands/soft toys/my boobs :shock: and her own lips.

poor thing, she went for her vaccinations today and thats when i noticed the wee white lines in her gums.

i know some of you recommend ANBESOL (??) but what else can help her as she is getting quite sore :( ? any good toys to chew or something? there must be posts on this but i cannot find them sorry

pip xx
Nelsons Teetha Homeopathic Powders and Urchin can recommend a really good teething toy.

Poor wee bunny.... teething is sore stuff!!
Good luck

Emilia xx
ditto, the teething beads are a must!!

matthew has these and has been chomping on them all day i got a set of whinnie the pooh ones as well from kiddicare they have little honey pots and pooh bear faces on them, got them to keep at my mums for when we go round. Think i can see a white bit on matthews bottom gum but doesnt seem to bother him although his top was covered in dribble today!!!!
omg how strange! i bought the winnie the pooh ones to leave at my mums too!!! great minds eh? :wink:
heres the link

lol kim :lol: they are so cute though and since matthew loves his thought it would be a good idea
thanks ladies! i have been convinced...
am going to ask my boys (20 year old flatmates) to get some during their tesco shopping, hoping that they don't open it before they get home as they are big kids really lol

am a bit peed of actually as i always said i would stop breastfeeding when she got teeth as she chews A LOT so i was hoping that would come towards a year... snuffle

michelle and kim, going to get some to leave at my mothers :lol:
urchin, got the beads!!
only prob is they are the only thing she won't chew lol
i guess she needs to get used to them (she likes holding them)
pips said:
urchin, got the beads!!
only prob is they are the only thing she won't chew lol
i guess she needs to get used to them (she likes holding them)

Aww she'll get the hang of it :D
Have you tried Bicciepegs... I find them quite good. Oscar loves it, but goes nuts when I take it away before it gets soggy.

Emilia xx
What are they Emilia? Where are they from (somewhere in uk pref!!??)
OH goes on about them i think
They're made in Scotland, but available in UK at any chemist, including Boots. Fab - worth a try!! :wink:
Little hard fingered sized biccies. Too hard to chew through. You tie it to baby's bib and discard it after 20 minutes. Very good - sorry about the rubbish explanation!! :doh:

Emilia xx
seen them in boots the other day, arent they from 6 months though?
i didnt realise they arent actually eaten! they shuld be ok then if u buba isnt 6 months yet sure it will do no harm.
You're right! I better hold off a while, but all Oscar really does, is suck on it - rock hard stuff!! Need a sledgehammer :shock:

Emilia xx
haha they sound fun! well i'd never heard of them so i'll look into it when i go to get the powder thing in boots
everything i've tried so far has not worked *sob* the wee soul is crying so much it's breaking my heart and my ears

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