Teething question


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2006
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I know there is a lot of questions about teething on here but I am being a bit paranoid about Leorah's behaviour because it coincides with her first jab which she had last Wednesday (I'm worried i know its rare for long term damage to happen but it does happen).

Basically she has had a cold and a cough and been really miserable, anything can set a tantrum off and she wants to be held constantly and preferably walked around! She has also been pooing loads, nearly every nappy whereas she used to go once a day or even once every few days. The poo seems normal but very mustard in colour (this may be because her poo is normal now I've been off dairy and soy for over a month). She is finding it hard to get to sleep at night and is waking earlier. When I feed her she eats well but never seems to get hungry, I have to feed her rather than wait for her to decided when she wants it.

This evening I decided to try the ashton powders I had and within 10 mins she was giggling and playing on her mat. I did the finger test and where last time she just sucked today she bit down hard on my finger. She's also dribbling loads.

Now I have written this all out I feel like I've answered my own question :lol: Will this last until her teeth come through or does it go through phrases? Once again thanks in advance :hug:
Well with Ellis the "runnier" nappies come with teething and the biting, dribbling and off food.

And the jabs make him clingy and only want to be held and walked around!! ARGH its so annoying and tiring!!! hehe

But the teething comes in phases had it twice in 6 months now lasting 1-2 weeks each. and no teethy pegs even showing yet!!

Thanks Keeley, sounds like she has the full combo then - lucky me :lol: Oh and poor Leorah of course :oops:
Hey Skatty

Gabriella was like this a few weeks ago and it lasted about a week or 2.

I really thought that she was teething. She still does the biting down on my finger and is dribbling a lot but is a lot happier in herself.
I don't think she is cutting teeth but maybe they are lining up (aparently this can cause some pain as well).

I hope Leorah is ok, pesky jabs; I hate them. Gabriella has more next Tuesday, she has to have 3 needles :(

Take care and I hope Leorah is better :D
Hi Tina, it does sound like leorah is going throug the same as what Gabriella did. Luckily she fell asleep at 10pm last night and slept throug ntil 8am. I was shocked as she didn't feed much at all and thought she's wake up hungry. She has also been napping an hour and a half already this morning so I am hoping she's feeling better but it always seems to get worst as the day goes on!

Oh poor Gabriella, 3 jabs, that's awful, I'm dreading Leorah's next lot :(

I sent you a PM by the way :hug:
I'm glad this thread is throwing up some of the other symptoms of teething, as I think Stanley is going through the same.

Every nappy's a dirty one (which is fun and a half when you're washing 'em :roll: ) and he's sleeping a lot more during the day but seems less settled generally.

We'll have to start 'toothwatch'!!! Stanley's are probably months away yet :D

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