Teething advice and crying out in sleep

Hi Hun

You must feel so much better now you know what is up. Poor Leorah; I hope she feels better soon :hug:

Wow, good on her for sleeping from 9pm until 6am; that is fantastic!!!!
Can you please send Gabriella some sleep vibes; she is up every 3 hours at the moment :wall: The HV said she is a hungry baby, going through a growth spurt and that I need to add more calories into my diet as she needs more fat in the milk, She is draining me and I actually weigh less than before I was pregnant so the HV told me to eat more snacks and have milkshakes and milky coffees, I am off to have an extra chocolate bar now..... :D
Minxy said:
Some babies are born with teeth though Kayzee! :lol:

Stanley started this at 8 weeks, it can last ages before the tooth comes through but if your son was early it stands a chance Tia will be too.

Bless her cottons :D

Well i had her weighed today and asked the healthvisitor about how shes been and she said shes definitely teething at 9 weeks bless her heart, But because she is so young i cant use any of the over the counter remedies such as powders and bonjela etc. She suggested those teethers that you cool in the fridge but the poor little thing cant hold em yet so mummy's gonna do it. How did you get on minxy with stanley starting so early? xxxx
The teethers were all too big and i found the best thing I could offer was a clean finger!

He gladly gnawed on me for hours, it was the only thing that seemed to help.

I bought a little Rabbit glove thingyo, you put your fingers in his ears and massage baby's gums. I think it was MaM.. Stanley liked that too :D
yeah, the only thing that seems to help her at the mo when shes having a bad moment is to lay her belly down across my lap with my left hand supporting her head and chest and she just sinks into the base of my thumb or forearm and just chomps merrily away cooing and dribbling bless her
Hello girls, firstly thanks for all the tips and support, I am in London next month and have added calprofen and bickiepegs to my list of things to get :)

Kayzee poor you and Tia :( Leorah is nearly 4 months and the teethers are too big for her so I can imagine how íneffective they are for Tia. She really likes it if I wrap a muslin around my finger for her to bite and also chews on a muslin on her own. It takes too much concentration to get anything heavier in her mouth and while she's feeling bad she just doesn't have the inclination!

Tina I am glad you have had Gabriella's growth spurt confirmed, at least you know the night wakings are temporary. I read that if you know your baby is having a growth spurt try and pump them full of milk all day. I was going to say lucky you being given the green light for eating yummy things but on a seríous note look after yourself! Its so easy to miss meals when your LO is draining your time and energy. I barely grabbed a sandwich myself yesterday but sadly my fat store are more than ample :lol:

Leorah has had a much better day today. I have been giving her calpol at regular intervals and it has made a big difference. She has taken naps and we have had no major tantrums but she's still clingy and dribbling. Nice to have her heading towards normality again. I noticed its nearly full moon, perhaps our little monsters will change back when its full :lol:
:shock: All the babies seem to be teething!!! poor babies!!! :(

Ellis is the same, his nose is running like a tap ( always has a line down to his mouth :puke: I do wipe it i promise!! :lol: )

I have been giving him medised at night and calprofen in the day but i feel bad for given him loads of drugs but i feel better now you said your doc recommended it Skatty.

Good Idea about the mix of the medicents Dionne I might try that.

One think i was wondering if anyone could help, does anyones little ones get sticky eyes with teething or is that Ellis cold?

The other night we were up every two hours from 12 o clock
Last night he woke at nine o clock and i thought OMG hes never woke up that early since he wa really tiny, so i didnt know really what to do, so i went upstairs poor mite had moved himself up to the bars of his cot and was licking them poor soul I think he was trying to chew them i gave him a cuddle for ten minutes popped him back down dipped his dummy in calpol (i dont make a habit of this btw as I know they can overdose but he doesnt tend to take a dummy and it was mainly to comfort than anything) and off he toddled back to sleep, expected another bad night last night but he was really good, woke up at 7 this morning went in felt his gums and the tooth that was cutting ... has gone back down AGAIN :wall: :wall: :wall: thought Id ask my HV and she said they can do that its just they shift about before cutting and it wont be long now, I just dont like it that hes having to repeat this and be inpain when nothings coming of it, poor little guy. Today we have a much happier soldier though.

Hows our terrible teethers doing ladies?
Ellis tooth seems to have gone too!!!!! :rotfl: But he is still teething.

Last night he was in my bed cos he was waking every hr, just ,moaning in his sleep so i was rubbing teething gel on his gums and putting his dummy back and he settled again.

Steph I know what you mean about the dummy as ellis is refusing his since teething but then crying cos he cant settle, but i found the teething gel does the same as calpol and they can not over dose xxxxx
AArgh! Just when I thought that the top two first molars were through, and that we were going back to normal THREE more teeth have started to poke through! His third down the bottom and the two first bottom molars- aaaargh!. He did this at 7 months- his first six teeth came through in the space of two months then we've had nothing until 13 months and 5 possibly 6 (I bet the forth front bottom one comes up too) all at once- like late buses! I guess it gets it over all at once but I was beginning to enjoy sleep again!

How are your baby's teeth doing?

oh no poor Elliot. Are the babies just as bad with the next lot of teeth i can handle this 20 TIMES!!!

Ellis is soooo poorly with his teeth, moaning all the time. He is on calprfen and medised at night now poor little bugger.

jk is bad too poor sould i swear by the a & p powders ....and im going to get some biccipegs next time i go out too..also needto remember to order the bloody baby safe feeder! also jk holds his ears too...
I can't believe all these poor teething babies :( Leorah seemed ok for a few days but had another dribbley, red cheeked tantrum today. We had visitors and she seems to suffer so much worst when tired. Last night she cried in her sleep almost on the hour every hour, I kept going in to check her but she's fast asleep. I can only presume its hurting at night.

I really do hope our babies are back to normal asap :hug:

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