Teething and a cold together!


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2007
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Summer has just got 3 new teeth plus she has 2 more coming and now she has a cold!
She wont sleep, she hasn't napped properly for 3 days, she refuses to sleep at night!
When she knows she is drifting off she screams and screams like she is in agony.
She hasn't eaten breakfast or lunch for 3 days but will eat some dinner.
She cramps up when laying on her back but she's not being sick and she hasn't got bad poo poo's.
When she is falling asleep and screams I hate it because she's never been this bad! It's like she is scared to sleep.
Is it just the teething and cold mixed together that is making her like this?
edited: Sorry I woke up in a grumpy mood this morning :oops:
Sorry hun, just seen this. It may be teething and the cold together but maybe get her checked just incase? Maddison has 3 new teeth coming through and has the cold aswell but doesnt sound anywhere near as bad as Summer. She is waking a few times in the night and being a bit grizzly in the day but thats it :hug: :hug:
I've only just seen this too sorry.

I have posted about Sam too he is really full of cold and he is teething too :(

He's not taking very much milk at all either and I really don't know what to do with him. I have given him some Calpol which seems to have helped him a little.

He had a really bad night last night and couldn't sleep at all for long because he is so bunged up.
I have just read on another site about putting pillows under their mattress to ease their breathing so they are elvated slightly instead of being laid flat on their backs. I might try this later on with him.

I hope your LO is better soon :hug:
I edited my second post sorry I must have got out of the wrong side of bed this morning.

I might try that tonight as well Emma thanks for that tip. Her breathing at night is the one thing that does worry me because it sounds like she's having trouble and I think her breathing wakes her up.
She has had a long nap today so hopefully we will have a better night tonight.
:hug: Aww don't worry about that it'll be from lack of sleep :hug:

Sam keeps trying to sleep but is managing about 10 mins then he's awake again.
Finlay has been full of the cold too :( He can't breathe properly so hasn't been sleeping during the day

It sucks - I've now got it :(

Hope your LO is feeling better

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