teething??? advice needed!


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
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Joshua is 2 months old exactly, and we've noticed hes really really irritable. Last night he refused to sleep for 2.5 hors during the night. He woke up at 3 for a feed and did not sleep til 5.30 just cried and cried which he has never ever done. He has also been dribbling like CRAZY itus untrue and shoving his whole hand in his mouth. Also esp over the last 24/48 hours he's not been eating s much as normal when he should....for example he'll go 4 hours in the night and have 5fls/ sometimes 6fl, and then sleep for another 4/5 hours. Last night he slept for 3 hours then took about about 3.5/4 fl oz's and then screamed for 2.5 hours SOLID! which hoqever he has NEVER ever done at all since he was born - not once.

Hes shoving his whole hand in his mouth all the time, and again his sleeping patterns are crazy and he's soooooo stressy. Phil sterilised his hands and felt his gums and swears that where his caninces are or at the very least his incisors potentially, there are 4 parallel bumps on his gums....

Do you think its teething ALREADY??
We're really confused and worried about him....esp if we cant serttle him anymore...considering he slept for 2 nights straight last week...........We dont wanna start giving him teething gel if its not the cacase!


Sophie and Phil and Joshua xx
I'm not sure hun, i always found my kids to have rosy cheeks and hot gums when they were teething...not sure if they can teeth that early though.

Bumping the thread up anyway to see if anyone else can offer advice. xx
thank yo for replying :) spose will just have to keep an eye on it.......lol i seriously wish child raising came with a manual sometimes!! xx
thanks minchin, i appeare to have missed that thread but thanks for sending it to me!! :)
ive heard they can teethe quite early on, may just be your prob! i am not at all an expert, but can you give them stuff to chew on? like those from birth teething rings and stuff or bicki pegs? xx
Evie's been showing signs of teething for a good 3 weeks (she's 15 weeks today). I thought it was too early but she's been grabbing her right ear, chewing her fist :roll: (lol) and dribbling everywhere. Took her to docs, she's not got an ear infection so there's no other reason for it really. Over the past week she's been screaming out in pain every now and then too :-( It's heartbreaking to watch. I give her the odd dose of paracetamol and use Dentinox (can give it more often than Bongela) on her gums and she seems to calm down.

I end up in tears with her too sometimes - hope that if it is a tooth that it comes through soon, poor baby :-(
Thanks ladies! He's so irritable of late x

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