Teeth :-)


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2010
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:yay: we have the "tips" of TWO bottom front teeth cutting through this morning! So excited :-)

How long did/does it take for the "whole" tooth/teeth to come through? :-) xx
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yay for teeth!

marleys took a while to come through tbh! his bottom 2 are fully up (i think) and he got them a good few months ago, and i noticed a top tooth and a fang cutting through at the begining of august on holiday, and they still arent fully thru yet...plus now hes getting his other fang and top tooth...so hes cutting 4 at the same time!!! grumpy baby! he's miserable!!!
aaawww poor Marley.. :hugs:

So it's not that "quick" then once they start cutting either? Wow teething is a LONG process bless them xxx
i presumed once i saw a little bit of tooth it would be through like the day after! lol. maybe other babies are different but marleys are taking agesss!
Oscars bottom two tips appeared one exactly a week apart, and came up really quickly, like within 10 days I think. His top front 2 though cut through within a day of each other but are slower in coming down, they are almost down now after about 2 weeks. And the 2 either side of the top front have cut through without any fuss or us even noticing at first! And looks like some bottom ones are set to cut soon too! He's getting them all at once lol
Lilly's teeth tend to slip through fairly quickly too. She had no trouble with the bottom 2 or the fangs that she's cutting now but her top 2 were a nightmare for everyone involved :(

Charley's seem to take about 7-10 days from tip to whole tooth. We've just had tooth #7 though!
Tegan'i take about a week from first sign of them to all the way through, she has 8 now! x
lannas take about a week from first showing, to fully through, shes got 8, and she bites >.< 4 top front, 4 front bottom lol like scissors they are!
Sophia's took about a week - it gets worse as the width of them come through, but then it gets better!!
Paige started getting her teeth a week before her 1st birthday and she now has 3 whole teeth, 2 tips of of teeth (one of these is a back tooth) and 2 about to pop through. Thats in about 6 weeks or so.
aaawwww wow. It's amazing to see how different babies are at cutting teeth! Thank you for all your replies girls. I'm guessing then that we should have two full bottom teeth by the time we see next weekend :-) so exciting :-) xx

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