Teenage bedrooms?


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2006
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Can somebody with a teenage girl please tell me whats normal? DD's is messy, make up, jewellery everywhere, empty cupboards and clothes hung on the floor. She gets to a point where she's too messy then will blitz it so I dont nag her to do it. OH on the other hand thinks she lives like a pig and goes mental about it whereas I think she lives normal for age and leave her to it and we've nobody to compare her with!
Lol, i don't have a teenageer but i have a younger sister and it is perfectly normal and she will grow out of it and keep her bed room spotless :lol:
my sons room is now so bad i refuse to go in there i need to work up the courage :evil: and then il gut it hes 13 please god let him get tidier soon :pray: xxx
my room is at the state that Braydon aint allowed in
as it to much stuff lol
my younger sis room is always a mess that you can't move in their, clothes everywhere and every thing else every where, then she will tidy it up, i think its the norm for teenagers, i used to tidy my bedroom every night i couldn't stand it being a mess before i went to bed
It's normal haha. My room as a teen was awful and I would do the same, let it go to a certain point and then blitz it! Safe to say when you get to about 16-17 you tend to want it to look nice. I'm only 20 now and a complete clean freak haha, not like the teen me!
my mum was strict with me tidying my room, i wasnt alloud out unless it was tidied
my room is a tip ive just kicked stuff under the bed but ye theres make up n jewelry n clothes all over the floor

i have to wade thru to put ami to bed lmao
When my SD lived with us she was 13 and she was so messy it was untrue...make up, jewellery, clothes etc everywhere. Even when I took up clothes that had just been ironed ready for her to put in the wardrobe they'd end up on the floor i a heap. I think most teenagers are like that. Saying that Haylea is only 9 and she's getting just as bad, especially when her friends have been up in her room with her and they don't tidy it before her friends leave. I used to go into SD room once a week and blitz it.....then I got a bit sick of it so I used to check it everyday and if things were in places they weren't meant to be I'd put them all in the middle of the floor and she'd have til that night to put them away or I'd go in with a black bag and put it in the bin....she soon got the idea, so I've stuck to doing that with Haylea and it seems to work.... :cheer:
LOL, sounds like me when i was a Teenager! Im the total opposite now though!

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