Teddies, etc


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2008
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When did your baby start to sleep "with" a security object, such as a teddy, cuddly blankie, etc?

Sprog has a few teddies around his cotbed, so he can see them but not reach them. He has a couple of smaller, lighter stuffed animals - one of which was his first teddy, and I'd like to eventually start settling him to sleep cuddling one of these as a security object, to hopefully help him sleep better.

However, I've heard horror stories about how you shouldn't give babies teddies in bed because they increase the risk of suffocation, SIDS, etc - but nothing saying when it's considered safer.

Any thoughts?
Amber did have a fav teddy to take to nursery with her but she doesnt even bother with that now. She doesnt take anything to bed apart from a dummy at the moment! lol
Isaac has always had loads of teddies in his cot with him, but he doesn't have a favourite or need any particular item to settle with, just me :roll: :rotfl:
We don't have anything in LO's cot. Just him and he then gazes up at his mobile and listens and watches that as he falls asleep. Also keeps him happy in the morning.

I don't do toys in cots till they are fully able to roll over and get themselves back the other way. Even then I am loathed to have too many till he is older still.
Maddison isnt bothered about anything except her dummy. She has a mobile above her but generally she has pulled it down by morning :roll:
Calleigh doesnt have any teddies in her cot, just her mobile above which she has no interest in whatsoever :?
She does however have a little fave cuddly which she holds onto and sucks in the day :)
Angel likes the muslin squares. In her car seat i'll put it down the side of her face and body, but she'll pull the bottom of it over her legs and body. Sometimes it can be the only thing that'll help her sleep, but i'll take it off her when she's fast off! She has loads of teddies but haven't given her any yet.
Ella likes the muslins too. My fault really, when she has a screaming fit and nothing will calm her down, I just hold her in my arms and let her scream herself to sleep chewing the muslin. She now has to have one when she goes to sleep, otherwise she grizzles :roll:
Becky seems to like flannels. We have an octopus thing we got as a pressie from a friend tied to her playpen (that we just use for naps in the day) and a musical thing in her crib. The musical thing she tends to just batter repeatedly until she exhausts herself and falls asleep :rotfl:
my son wont go to sleep without his blanket by his face and dummy. i didn't realise they could develop these habits so early on but there's no way in hell he'll go to sleep without his blanket unless he literally cries himself to sleep through exhaustion.

When hes tired he also likes to play with the label on his teddy or blanket. little woofter! :lol:

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