technically full term!


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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Well according the the baby-gaga site, i'm technically considered full term now :cheer: :cheer:

can't believe how quick its gone and how easy i've had it so far. I'm just hoping and praying i dont pay for it with a long drawn out labour!

Desparately looking for signs of things moving...a couple of times in bed over the last couple of nights (if ive been REALLY concentrating!) i've noticed feelings like the vaguest memory of period pains.....

I never really suffered from period pain anyway so maybe its not surprising im not getting a lot of symptoms now - is there any connection between former period pain levels and pregnancy / labour pains?
congrats on reaching full term!!
not a clue about the period pain correlation though sorry, i'd be interested to know though as mine were very painful when i was younger but had eased off a bit by time i got pregnant
I too keep getting slight period type pains. Last night I was woken up by some and thought...hmmmm...maybe, then fell back to sleep, so maybe not, lol!

We're at that time now gymbabeliz where every little twinge gets you thinking. Not long now :cheer:
Congrats on reaching full term :cheer:

You must be so excited to think it could be anytime now :hug:
hey, well done on getting to full term. I'm looking forward to getting there on thursday too! Although my husband is convinced she's not coming for at least a month lol.

My collegue's wife had a really easy pregnancy, and went on to have a really easy labour, so there is hope yet!

I too have been suffering with the period pain, and also pressure in my lower tummy. Not sure if thats because of SPD though? Who knows. She isn't engaged yet...
im sure that this little one is going to go 2 weeks over, so unfortunately i dont feel that i can get that excited yet! But hey i can still celebrate :dance:
laracomps said:
and also pressure in my lower tummy. Not sure if thats because of SPD though? Who knows. She isn't engaged yet...

That's exactly what I have, feels like he's going to slip out somtimes. Not sure if little mans engaged yet, going to hospital tomorrow so will find out :)
Congrats Liz and Kazlin..i'll be joining u Friday..mad!
It has taken forever to get here :cheer:

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