Tearing my hair out.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2011
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H is poorly at the mo, she's got thrush and has been super clingy all day! I cant get a minutes peace. She wouldn't settle for a nap, hasn't slept all day and has just cried and moaned and whined...I can't take it anymore. I've got a fractured ankle so can't get about properly, OH was meant to be home after work, but text to say he was going to tea with his dad!

He's going to come in and moan I've not done anything in the house, the ironings piling up and I'm just feeling mega stressed :(

She's finally settled for bed time but I can tell its not a deep sleep and she's going to wake. OH still isn't home, and I stink cause I've not showred and I'm covered in drool and puke and yuk!

Sorry for the rant :(

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Max has been the same today!! Been a nightmare !

Big hugs xxxx
I'd b tearing my hair out too! Poor u! Babies r hard enough normally let alone when they r ill or when mummy has a fractured ankle!
Awww.. Big hugs to you... Hope little H sleeps well for you. X
Hugzzzzzz, hope she feels better soon and ouch about your ankle :( Jake is the same, stuck like glue, I know he is sick but the screaming and moaning all the time does stress you out, its hard work xxx
Thanks everyone x she's asleep now finally :) x

She is never ever clingy, has always been happy to sit and play on her own, or go to other people happily,p. she loves everyone she meets lol!

But today was just a nightmare! Geez, hope tomorrow is better x

My ankle is in the mend, I'm a month past the accident, but still can't walk right :(

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