Pulling my hair out


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2009
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Ever since I got out of hospital at about 35 weeks pregnant zander had been a right pain I want I want I want he doesn't stop his morning is 5:30 no matter what time you put him to bed he constantly screams for me if it's morning and I'm upstairs (his dad is with him I can be only brushing my teeth) so you can imagine it's getting ridiculous! He used to be so much more relaxed and go to his nans every other week for one night now he stands at the door and screams for us and won't move so we don't even get that any more! Not that I expect it but we use naughty corner and he never gets what he wants if he has a paddy but that's all he seems to be doing recently! Doesn't help that Danny thinks it's funny to argue with him and encourages him to do it back so they are shouting no and right now into each others faces yes well done daddy it's cute for two seconds now it's urgh! What do I do to tame him? He won't ask for anything he is just now now now or moaning a hot chocut a hot chocut a hot chocut - this will go on for hours if I let it with him just moaning it to me WTF?!? Any ideas ladies?? Is this just a stage he is going through he has just turned 2 but I never got it from my daughter can't even take him shopping without him crying allllll the way round - then other days he is a little angel?!!!

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Hey! Can't say I have much experience with kids first hand, but chatting to my mate who's got a 3 and a half year old, she said she goes through loads of wierd phases like this. Hope someone else can shed light for you better than I can! Lol. X
Do you think it's an attention thing because of Chloe? He's not the youngest anymore so is fighting for your attention! Laceys changed loads since Charleys arrived! She's started kicking and punching people including me and has started wetting herself! She's been dry for 2 years so this has upset me. I had a word with her teacher and she said it's completly normal for children to act like this when a new baby arrives and said not to shout at her but talk to her saying why she's done wrong!
Hopefully zander gets better soon x x
Don't know if it's to do with Chloe coz it started 6 weeks before she was even here it's like he can sense I'm tired lol! Since I posted this he has been sat on my lap well behave watching a DVD with me :wall2: lol!!! But you can bet give it a little bit he will Be being naughty again!! He has already been in the naughty corner this morning lol!!

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my best advise is be consistant he is pushing boundries and u n hubby need to be clear on whats acceptable and stick to it i used to naughty step dd in her buggy when out if she kicked off just faced the wall with it for alloted time it really helped
I've got it!!! he was golden till my husband came home then he played up!!! He is always golden when it's just me now what???

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Can you get him more involved in helping with baby, and then say well now that Chloe is all sorted and asleep, we can have some Zander / mummy time, and then do playdough or painting etc , to make sure he is getting the attention when he is being good, and then Ingnore the bad stuff, so no attention at all is given when he is a monkey!
Can you get him more involved in helping with baby, and then say well now that Chloe is all sorted and asleep, we can have some Zander / mummy time, and then do playdough or painting etc , to make sure he is getting the attention when he is being good, and then Ingnore the bad stuff, so no attention at all is given when he is a monkey!

I do that's already we do cake baking and painting and book reading ect xx

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must be something to do with ur OH lol.
You sound more strict which is good thing maybe ur other half needs to toughen up lol x
Lol I think he needs to get off his arse when he is telling him off zander don't don't or put it down or you will go into the naughty corner this gets said like ten times before he says he hasn't got the energy any more and why won't he listen?!?! Urgh durr!!!!

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