Team green nursery decoration ideas


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2007
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Hi All

I think me and my partner have safely agreed that we are not going to find the sex of our baby out and the 21 week scan.

But i have a question for all the team greens out there - what colour theme will you use for your nursery???

Love to ya all
we have gone for creams and browns 4 our little 1 as we dont want 2 find out either
We have to be team green as they won't tell you in Aberdeen :cry:
We're going to have white walls (or maybe magnolia but probably white) with a Winnie The Pooh border :D I'm waiting until baby is born before buying a carpet - I want to get a purple one if it's a girl. We intend having baby in our room for the first 6 months so there's no big hurry. That said, my mum and dad lasted one night with me in their room and less that that with my brother because babies are so noisy (or at least we were) that they couldn't sleep :rotfl: So all my good intentions could go out the window!
I like the idea of a pale yellowy colour and then some bright jungle colours along the lines of this one or toning it down a bit and going for something like this one

I also love greens but have yet to find anything that really catches my eye. Even if we find out what we are having, I won't be decorating the nursery in pink or blue. I'll stick with neutral walls and carpet and jazz it all up with colour in the bedlinen and so on.

I shall probably go look in town for something nearer the time anyways, but those two above are both along the lines of what I like, but not quite it.
if i was team green, i would do nursery green, i love green, nice minty shade with cream
I've done yellow and cream even though I know Im having a boy
ive got a lemon carpet (well quite bright actually :lol:) and im thinkin cream or mint green walls with rainbows and stars painted on.ive got lemon and mint curtains and cot quilt set and ive seen a yellow moses basket :)
We are going to do ours very neutral, biscuit/cream kind of colours with the muted classic Winnie the Pooh theme from Mamas and Papas.
This is mine so far, if its a boy then i'll be adding a blue blind and blue pictures and if its a girl then pink blind and pink pictures

Thank you all so much guys - you all have some good ideas - a neutral colour and then mainly accessorising isnt it.

Thanks for your ideas - just thought i would of asked as couldn't see anything similar.

Hope you have all had a great sunday
we are team green too...

We have a biscuit colour carpet and ivory lace walls....
I would have chosen this even if we did know the sex as I like neutral tones and then dress it with accessories etc

Same with baby's clothes as I will be putting baby mostly in babygros when very little cos they are all curled up so dont like the idea of putting them in mini adult clothes...

I like newborn baby's to be baby's

So will have plenty of time to get sex appropriate clothing for when they are a little older :D
The colour we did our bedroom sounds like payadysso's idea, would be nice for a nursery its very relaxing and peaceful and not really girly or boyish, we did one wall green and the other 3 walls cream...

We are having a girl, but the flat we live in is rented and we're not sure if we are allowed to paint, but it's a new flat anyway and babys room has cream walls and a biscuit colour carpet. We have gone for beech furniture and will be buying cream bedding. As the other girls have suggested, we are buying accessories in girly nightlights, storage boxes, blankets etc. If I were team green, then I would go for creams and browns..I love the 'Teddies Wash Day' Range in Mothercare :)
Sherlock, that first link is almost identical to what we've ordered. Even though we won't be Team Green in 7 days' time, we wanted to stay fairly neutral, a) because we like yellow and b) in case we have a different gender next time round.

We have a dark blue carpet and timeless (creamy white) walls which are newly donw so they're staying - we weren't expecting a baby. We'll add a yellowy jungle/animal type border I think.

Unfortunately our windows are 2m long so curtains are gonna be tricky! Anyone a dab hand with a sewing machine?
We are having the beanstalk set out of Argos for our nursery. Its bright and will last till our littleone is a toddler. Our walls are very pale yellow and we have a neutral cream carpet.
We have gone with cream walls with the mamas & papas Barnaby button range of bedding, borders etc.

The Barnaby button range has got a duck egg blue / aqua colour going through it but I think its pretty universal so we are delighted with it.

Decorating this weekend wooohoo!

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