tea substitutes


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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Just thought I'd mention this for anyone desperately seeking alternatives to tea/coffee... I usually drink honeybush tea which is naturally caffeine-free, and occasionally drink roobois/redbush. You can get roobois in supermarkets, I get the honeybush (which is lighter and not so bitter) from my local healthfood shop. You can also buy it online:

Both are perfectly safe in pregnancy:

Rooibos and Honeybush teas are considered decaffeinated herbal teas since they do not have caffeine in their chemical properties and thus no caffeine to remove. Although Rooibos is called a "tea" it is actually an herb from South Africa and it differs greatly from tea (camellia sinensis).

Anemia is a common problem during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Many teas prevent your body from absorbing iron due to an ingredient called tannin. Both Rooibos and Honeybush teas contain low levels of tannin, so they are less likely to interfere with iron absorption.

Research by Japanese scientists has shown Rooibos tea to have beneficial effects relating to constipation, liver function, blood sugar levels, skin diseases, depression and anxiety. This tea may also have other stomach and indigestion benefits, possibly relieving nausea, vomiting, and heartburn.

However, some variations of Rooibos tea (such as the Energizer Rooibos Herbal Tea) contain the herb rosemary, which should be avoided during pregnancy because it may cause uterine contractions. Be sure to read the label to make sure that there are no additional herbs added to either Rooibos or Honeybush teas. If it is the pure tea, it should be a wonderful addition to your pregnancy and lactation diet.

Thought that might help someone!
I LOVE rooibos tea! Bought some of the Tick Tock variety when I was pregnant with Marcus and now it is pretty much all I drink. Minime introduced me to some spiced rooibos a while back. Gorrrrrrgeous! :)
I'm lucky in that I dont like tea or coffee anyway - occasionally drink the odd herbal tea though.

Do the ones you are suggesting actually taste like ordinary tea - I've already tried green tea which tastes too 'tea-like' for me (fussy bugger!) but maybe I might try these.....

I'm mostly a hot ribena kinda girl :lol:
I have cut down my tea drinking to two cups a day. I can't give up caffeine completely - i am a caffeine junkie I know but with morning sickness and tiredness to deal with i feel i need my tea more than ever!
I used to like redbush but at the moment i can't stand the smell of it. My alternative hot drink at the moment is just hot water with a bit of lemon in it. I know that sounds boring but its nice and gentle on a queezy stomach and satisfies my need for a hot drink.
Hot fruit cordials and hot chocolate seem like the most fun alternatives to me :lol:

I still have the odd cup of tea, in small amounts it's not harmful. And I love herbal teas, even though they are a big con. They always smell gorgeous and taste of water! :lol:
I like just plain hot water too - warming but no flavour to make you feel sick!

Also, try PLJ with hot water - really cleans your mouth out if you feel grotty

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