Tea, Coffee, Coke, Chocolate


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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How detrimental is it to consume products with caffeine in, in pregnancy?

I normally drink on average one cup of tea and one cup of coffee and a choccie bar once a day. Occasionaly I drink coke too. I havent been worried about this at all but I have been reading that caffeine really should be avoided in pregnancy.

Should I be switching to caffeine free drinks and avoiding choccie? Just wondered what the rest of you have been doing.
I drink the odd coffee now and again..and a bit of coke..i have cut down but didnt stop.
Im not sure, but i have a cup of tea every morning and every evening. Its the only way i am able to swallow pills :oops:

I tend not to finish the cup though :)

But my doc has told me to eat what i fancy / what my body wants. Just aviod things that could give me food poising, and raw eggs, soft cheeses.
thought that was an offer for at ur house then jade.. *sniff* ;)

to be honest i havent really payed all that much attention to the guidelines... coz at the end of the day thats all they are,

if you have one cup more than the guideline who cares... think of ur grandparents, did they follow all these guidelines... and look at ur parents... there fine, well mine are slightly mad but ya kno, dont follow tehre example ;)
The amount you have jaidy is nothing to worry about,like lozzi says they are only guidelines :hug: xx
i drink one caffinated coffee in the morning and if i fancy one i have decaf during the dsay. but ive gone off coffee so i don't drink it now much.

i eat anything iwant in moderation Jade
I eat loads of chocolate I can't help myself :lol: I don't drink tea or coffee so im not worried at all, all blood results and blood pressure are always good so not too worried about it :D
I cant drink tea or coffee since finding out i was preggers, Also ive gone off chocolate :shock: MY only vice is i have developed a taste for full fat pepsi when ive been drinking diet for years xx
I drink alot of Diet Coke, eat chocolate every 5 seconds of the day hehe
and since getting pregnant have been drinking about 3 cups of tea a day. Wasnt a big tea drinker before.

But I think that just as longer as your not eating crap loads of one thing its fine.
I used to drink gallons of diet coke, but just one can a week now (I had irregular heartbeat and palpatations (sp?) last year and avoiding it really helps...)

I do drink more tea than usual tho, I realy enjoy it since being PG but drink it like knats p**s-the tea bag goes through on stilts so its really hot milk with a hint of tea..pron 4 cup a day.

Choco-eat it every day I am afraid, about one bar.

Everything in moderation me thinks :lol:
you are "allowed" to have 300 mg of caffeine per day - how this measures up is not an exact science but it is about 6 cups of normal coffee... there are websites that can tell you exactly what amount of caffeine is in a dairy milk bar for example.. Me personally I haven't been to bothered about it.

I have 1 cup of tea in the morning 1 cup of tea at lunch and possibly 2 cups of coffee in the evening. I may have 1 bar of chocolate or a jaffa cake bar in the day. I did buy decaff when I was at work as we would have a cuppa every hour.... but I was feeling the effects of this before I got pregnant ( dizzy spells etc!!)

I do know of pregnant women who wont eat chocolate :shock: and will only drink decaff now... ( I was once told that the chemicals they use to remove the caffeine are far worse for you than the caffeine is!!!)

I used to do a talk on caffeine as part of a stress presentation. I will try and dig up some of the statistics!

:oops: I drink at least 4 cups of coffee a day, i very rarely drink more than that and i only have tiny cups, i dont like drinking out of huge mugs or anything...when i'm at my house i drink decaf though, it's all I have in.
I dont think I could go as far as not eating chocolate AT ALL.

That would be hell :rotfl:
JaidyBaby said:
I dont think I could go as far as not eating chocolate AT ALL.

That would be hell :rotfl:

Thats my girl :wink:
Chocolate contains feel good ingredients, and you want that growing baby to feel good dont ya??? :fib: :rotfl:
Yeah I ate 3 bars today, feel a bit naughty but it was good!! :oops:
Just got buy 1 get 1 free on jaffa cake bars! they are yummY!
Also when we are talking of yummy food, Ben & Jerrys are on special offer just now in Asda at £2 a tub! MMMMMMM :D
My freezer is already well stocked, well with ben & Jerrys at least, bugger the food! :shhh:
haha so will mine be when i get off my lardy arse and drive over :D

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