tax credits


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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Im a bit confused. We get our tax credits into our account on the same day every month, but this month there is a second payment on a later date for a few pounds. Is this to do with our renewal? Im expecting a rebate for last year as I earned 5k less than what they calculated our allowance on but ill be seriously miffed if my rebate for a whole year is less than a fiver!!
Yeah it sounds like it may be ur renewal-my random payment was the new amount they're payin me-£75 less a week cos they forgot to put hubbys income on the estimate for last year!
If it is your renewal then chances are ur weekly payments will have changed aswel-even if just by 1p xx
Yeah it will be something to do with the renewal - I got 2 random payments in last week, totalled £220 so was well chuffed.

If in doubt phone the tax credits helpline they should be able to confirm it.

I think we r 11000 down from estmate last year but were just over the 25 000,ish mark n doubt I will get a penny
ah we were just over the 25k mark, is that why? so annoying, if we'd earned £100 less we'd probably get loads in renewal then! :roll:
Same here, n the worst thing is demba pay his guys out of his wages sometimes so it looks like we got more then we do
:shock: he should record that on a tax return, it can be written off then
He don't care, hes an ass at the moment, I can't even renew ours for this year as he refuse to tell me what he's earned. N he won't call them either
He says his books is not done, his accountant would still know tho but he says no
does he know that you wont get any tax credits if he doesnt get it done by 31st July?! MEN!
Yeah he knows but don't care as I'm the one reciving the money, he says " just tell them I earn 24000" well first - he didn't, he had a bad year, n second, I think we can't just guess, we must accually give the right amount?
you can do it and tell them its an estimated amount, then they give you another date to give them the actual amout. but if theyve overpaid you based on your estimate then you have to pay them back.
They won't be over paying more likely I get less
then they would give you a lump sum of money I think
Are you still waiting for a rebate Tiny? I applied over the phone over 2 weeks ago and i'm still waiting. I know its not been long but i'm kinda hoping on a rebate so i can get things for the baby i'm desperate for.
I havent heard anything yet, but we did ours in welsh until they shut that down so our paperwork always takes ages.

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