Tax credits help


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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When you're Maternity Pay goes down are you entitled to more tax credits or does it stay the same?

I am now on half pay and TBH it's becoming a struggle.

Does anyone know I am confused.
I'm on SMP only now and it's just the same. I assume because it's based on your earnings from the previous year.
What you get now is probably based on last years earnings. I rang the tax credits about it and if i can give them an estimate of what i will earn between april this yr and april 09 they will recalculate for me.
So if you can work that out give them a ring and they will sort it for you :)
I have yet to do it as i have only just put a date in to return to work so didnt want to give them the wrong figure and then have to pay them back if they over pay the tax credits iykwim.
I have just rang the Tax Credits and as Charlie said i have to give them an estimate from April this year until April next year.
I have just rang Payroll for the figures and they won't give me them over the phone it has to be put in writing :wall:

Tax credit person I spoke to was really awkward I gave her the details I had off my payslip and explained it will be the same amount each month until January but they still wanted a definate figure not an estimation.

So, I have put it in writing and hopefully it will be sorted.

Thanks for your replies.
I wouldnt worry about it being entirely accurate as that is not possible as tax and NI contributions change etc etc so as long as its a roughly close figure you should be fine as they will correct the award when you can give them the exact figure next year.
I worked my annual income for this year out myself. I'm pretty sure it's fairly accurate and the Tax Credit office were happy to accept that.

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