Tax Credit - anyone help??


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2007
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I've just received my confirmation of tax credit amount, based on last years income. I'm on maternity leave though, and have been on half pay for last 3 months. Will only get SMP from this month. Should I let the tax credit people know this? Will we get a bit more dosh? The thing that's putting me off is I read somewhere that once you stop being paid from work while on maternity leave they class you as not working, and so stop the tax credit. Not sure what to do.
Anyone know anything about this ? :)
As long as you are still getting SMP from/through work then you will still get tax credits. I'm off for a year on maternity and although i got SMP for first 6 months, i now get nothing from them, that's when tax credits class you as not working - i now only receive child tax credits but not working tax credits.

If that makes sense lol
im now on maternity leave.. just ring them up with your new expected figure you earn for the year and they will deal with the rest...

i updated baileys birth and got an extra payout...

most payments are from the previous year though so you may not see a change in your awrd till next yr... mine goes up next yr as well if my figure stays the same
don't talk to me about tax credits please!! :?

i am here filling out the form, came on here for a break what a rigmoroll (sp) can't believe all they need to know its a nightmare. :wall:
Rusks, you are better off just phoning them and giving them the information, that's what i did, saves you writing it all, then sending it, etc, when it can all be done then and there!
I tried ringing them but they wouldn't entertain taking any details over the phone. Said I was required to fill in the form.

How old is your babe, Rusks? Is he 21 wks as it says in your sig? I thought you could only get tax credit back paid up to 3 months? Or am I getting mixed up with child benefit?? :roll:
Yh tax credits is up 2 3 months they pay out! :hug:
jenni32 said:
I tried ringing them but they wouldn't entertain taking any details over the phone. Said I was required to fill in the form.

How old is your babe, Rusks? Is he 21 wks as it says in your sig? I thought you could only get tax credit back paid up to 3 months? Or am I getting mixed up with child benefit?? :roll:

You must have got an arse in a bad mood over the phone Jenni32, i got it sorted out over the phone.

Some people are just so awkward when they are supposed to be there to help you, it's a joke.
xjdx said:
Yh tax credits is up 2 3 months they pay out! :hug:

what do you mean you only get them up 2 3 months? i understand you can only get them back dated for the previous 3 months.

i am claiming for child tax credits and you get them if you work over 16 hours week.
...i applied for child tax credit when my baby was about 3 weeks old. - only now (baby is nine weeks) have i got it sorted. but i only recieved 5 weeks of payments? why??? should i have got 8-9 weeks as baby is that old??! - they should back pay from birth of child eh?!! asm i right?
if so they owe me another £200!
i ment they back date it only 3 months no more! ( sorry)
rachelandjarvis- They have to back date you your money from the day your child was born! They did exactly the same as me they give me a lump sum then i soon pointed out that they got it wrong. When i rung about there mistake apparantly they had my son down as being born on the 27/10 when it was 27/9 , yet on the application form i had applied on 2/10! There stupid, Ring them asap! :hug:

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