Tampon Question?


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2011
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It probably has nothing to do with labour and birth but i thought id ask anyway just to clear it up a little :)

Im definitely more of a tampon girl than a sanitary towel girl but i know once ive had my baby im going to be relying on them for a while afterwards, and yeah its not pleasant as when i tried them on my last period before getting pregnant i felt really dirty:shock:, and didn't really like the feeling of the blood coming out and nothing stopping it..Sounds stupid i know:lol:

Anyway, I was just wondering how long after birth can i start wearing tampons again?, ive heard its like a month but then i thought to myself, surely not thats ages to go without one:lol:

If theres anyone here who's gone through this, when did you start wearing them again? :)
you have to wait for the first bleed to stop I think I do like using them but not fussed only reason I like tampons is I leak with both but less with them.

Ask your midwife on your next visit I do think its after your first bleed which can last up to a month after birth. x
About 6 weeks ish

From what I was told you shouldn't use a tampon until you've finished bleeding after giving birth because the bleeding comes from an open internal wound and is susceptible to infection. Or put simpler no tampon till your first proper period :)
can I ask the ladies who have commented is that the same with a c-section birth. I obviously don't have any vaginal trauma so can I use tampons???????
can I ask the ladies who have commented is that the same with a c-section birth. I obviously don't have any vaginal trauma so can I use tampons???????

No you cant you can still get an infection

I had section and had to wait x like other lady said x like

28 weeks pregnant. Team yellow x
Thank you very much ladies!, was getting in a right mind mess trying to think about the time frame! :D.

I reckoned it was about a month or so, so i wasn't far off..Just seems a very scary time to go with wearing sanitary towels instead of tampons :lol:
can I ask the ladies who have commented is that the same with a c-section birth. I obviously don't have any vaginal trauma so can I use tampons???????

No you cant you can still get an infection

hey hun had a section with my first and even though u aint got the trauma of birth down below ur body still needs to fush the crap out ur system so not advisable til ur first proper period after baby is born :) xxx
You might find you don't bleed much after the first week and maybe even only bleed for max 2weeks or could be longer.
If you breast feed the first bleed can last as much as 2 months but sometimes your period doesn't return straight away either so it's not all bad. I agree it must be a period to use a tampon and not after birth bleeding .
One other point mw's often ask you to gage how blood is lost by amount of towels needed. All the best xx
Really you wont care, there is too much going on for you to think about it.

You don't know what is going to happen down there, you could tear, and you wont want anything like a tampon going near it.

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