Taking a year out - career change at 32?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2012
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I am a qualified accountant but bored! I have been with the same company 13 years since age of 19 when i started full time work. My OH works away a lot on a gas rig and will be working away even more as he has a new job which means he will be away in Korea six weeks at a time and home for only 2 weeks! The plan was for me to go out to Korea with him but there are loads of issues (sleeping arrangement, flights back to uk for tax purposes etc) so its just not going to happen. I have already handed my notice in and leave on 20th December. EEEK! I have been bored and unhappy lately and wanted a change. me and OH have agreed that i wont work for the year he is in Korea as we will never see each if im at work while he comes home etc and the extra money he gets for been out there more than covers my wages. So what do i do after the year? How do i decide what i want to do? Been looking at college courses but just dont really know where to begin! xx
Wow what an opportunity! Have you got any hobbies that you could do more of? Or a hobby that could be encoroprated with a course, like photography or something?
I love reading and quite fancy writing my own book - i have had some stuff published in magazines etc over the last year so maybe give it a try - your right im lukcy as it is a great oppurtunity - its just killing our TTC plans! Xx
Wow, if you love writing I'd definitely give that a go, I would love to write a book! Maybe do some creative writing courses and go for it :) xxx
Wow, that sounds fab. I love writing too and when I was younger I used to constantly write poems and stories, I don't really have the time now but if you love writing then I would say definitely explore that further x
Well i signed up for a creative writing course starting in Sept so we shall see how I get on xx
Just out of interest how did you get published in magazines? Did you just write a piece and send it to them or contact them first? xx
My brother works for a lads magazine and he wanted a womans point of view so i wrote a piece and he gave it to his editor, think it was only because it was last minute and he knew I was interested in writing and he could not get hold of anyone else lol!. It was only a small piece on mens insecurity over 50 shades of grey haha! i re-read my post above and it sounds as though im bragging and have done loads but it was only two small articles. Got to start somewhere though! xx
I didn't think you were bragging at all hun, like you say everyone has to start somewhere and I'm a big believer in jumping on any opportunities. Let me know how your creative writing course goes, I'm crazy busy with work at the moment but looked at those kid of courses myself recently. Also when the book's complete let me know, I love a good read :) Good luck xxx

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