Olivia Jennifer Rose Knibb was born Monday 18th August 1.21am at home. She was born in the water pool after a 5 & 1/2 hour labour. I had a bit of a tear so had to go to hospital to be stitched but luckily it was more long than deep.
I can't quite believe she is here - I will post the full birth story when I can stop looking at her! I haven't been able to tear myself away. She is so beautiful. The pictures don't do her justice. I am totally in love...
ooh - she weighed 7lb 13
just born
12 hours
I can't quite believe she is here - I will post the full birth story when I can stop looking at her! I haven't been able to tear myself away. She is so beautiful. The pictures don't do her justice. I am totally in love...
ooh - she weighed 7lb 13
just born

12 hours