Symptoms - how soon ?


Active Member
Apr 24, 2006
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I was wondering how soon after conception can people experience morning sickness ? I've felt sick about an hour after eating on two occasions today. Only just past ovulation though.
i think they appear around 6 - 8 weeks usually.
Yep, I felt fine for the first few weeks and thought 'Hey this is gonna be easy' I spoke too soon!! The sickness has kicked in BIG time now. Fingers crossed you dont get it hun!
I knew I was pregnant about one week after ovulation; one week before the test did! I was so tired all the time, and needed afternoon naps all of a sudden. I also would feel VERY queasy if I looked at my computer monitor for too long, which was new. I called my Mom and told her that I thought I was pregnant days before the test confirmed it.

The symptoms have changed and gotten a bit worse; now I'm queasy all the time and get so BLOATED... not to mention the gas, booby tenderness (and growth!) and occasional headaches. It's all worth it, though!!
I started feeling funny a few days before period was due, certain smells made me feel sick. The sickness really kicked in about 6 weeks.
My boobs were so much larger than normal (I am a small A/B cup) and work pals started to take mikey outta me about a week before my period was due...I then noticed the smell of my dogs food was making me feel a bit sickly in the morning for a week too...I knew I was pregnant before my period was late, I just KNEW. Took a test two days before I was due, which as negative, waited two days and did another which was positive...Took another 3 positives to convince me I wasnt dreaming!!! Only sympyoms now are boobs a bit sore and swollen, counting myself lucky as my sis is 8 weeks and really suffering!! :D
Zoe - what do you mean by you just knew you were pregnant? How did you feel? I guess you have to go through it to understand? :think:
Within two days past ovulation I was feeling spaced out and nauseous. About 4 of 5 days past I looked at myself in the mirror and thought you are pregnant!! I swear I felt different immediately after conception! About 4 days after my boobs were so painful I thought they would fall off, I then had really prominent veins all over my body. I held off doing a test until 4 days before AF was due and was not at all surprised it was positive. I think the downside to feeling symtons so early is that the first trimester dragged and I had full on 24 hour sickness until nearly 14 weeks. I have to say I feel pretty normal now though and drink decaff espresso as soon as I wake up and eat loads of spicey food!
couldnt tell you hun, i have never had it but i did feel funny arter a few days?
I cant explain, I just got into bed one night and said to OH "I am pregnant" I was so scared and panicking although it was what we had wanted...I did a test next day, negative and waited two more days, then got my BFP! I always thought people who said they just knew were mad, but I did honestly have a feeling, even though I was a few days away from my period due date.....

I have been so weepy today, I cant stop crying. I feel so scared and I dont know what to do...has anyone else had this at 6 weeks? :(
i am still like that now, i was watching friends the otherday i started to cry:)
Hi Zoe,

I am with you on the weepiness. Some days I am fine and others I am just scared it is all going to go wrong that I want to cry all day. I am putting it down to hormones! I think we will be a lot better after our scans.

Lyns xx
Thanks Lynds, I just got myself so upset today...I think its because I was reading a book, and it said my babys heart will be beating now, and I got so scared that if things go wrong, he is now a little being! I really will feel better after the scan for sure.
Its good to know I am not alone feeling so scared, thanks buds xxxxxxx :)

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