Symptoms help needed please


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2008
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Evening ladies

I am after your experiences please, I am 5 weeks and 3 days pregnant but I don't have any symptoms, my boobs are ever so slightly sore if I poke them but otherwise I don't think I would notice and last week I had a temper like the devil but not anymore. I have no nausea, I am not exhausted like everybody seems to be and I am not running to the toilet all day.

Can anybody tell me please when their pregnancy symptoms started as I am worrying that maybe my hcg levels aren't high enough and that is why I don't have any of these symptoms!

I know some people have symptoms soon after conception but was anybody else like me??

Thank you for any help
Ive only got sore boobs are tiredness in the evening. but like the other girls have sed in my post we are one of the lucky ones.
Hey! My symptoms didn't really start til I had just passed 6 weeks.. Don't worry though babe, some women don't even find out they're pregnant until 9/10 weeks (and some even later!) obviously their symptoms weren't bad enough for them to think they might be pregnant until then.

My Symptom Calendar:
6 weeks:
Sore boobs, weeing a little more than usual (but not excessive), bloating. I didn't get sickness, tiredness etc
8 weeks:
Everything stopped! I just needed the loo a lot!
10 weeks:
My lower back started hurting, started feeling stretching, growing a lot bigger, REALLY tired, got piles, constipation, feverish
11 weeks+:
Same as week before but now my hips are aching and I can hardly stay awake!

Now, I'm almost 12 weeks and I'm experiencing new symptoms and my old ones have kind of disappeared!

Everyone is different though, that was just my experience. Count yourself lucky that you're not getting bad symptoms :dance:

I suspect things will start changing for you within the next few days (god help you!!) There is a lot to look forward to!!

Lots of hugs :hug:
Enjoy this early weeks, because the nausea and fun and all that jazz starts setting in around 6 weeks onwards...

Everyone has different symptoms at different times. There are no symptoms that you should have. Just many that lots of people do have. You may never have symptoms and that's OK - it doesn't mean there's anything wrong. It may not feel that way just now but in my opinion, it just means you are lucky! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: [/b]
Thank you so much ladies for your quick replies, it is so much more helpful to hear from real ladies experiences as opposed to text books.

I feel much more reassured now so thank you all.
Hi Tilly, Glad to hear that you are feeling reassured. I didn't feel anything until 6weeks when I got nausea, sore boobs and tiredness. Apart from slight tiredness, I've had very little symptoms since 8 weeks....the only thing that seems to be happening in the last few days is that I'm developing a bump. It can be a bit disconcerting when you're not having symptoms but if you can stay positive, it makes life a lot easier not to have them. :hug: :hug:
Hi. don't worry about not getting any symptoms. i am 6 weeks pregnant and have only just started to get the common symptoms of pregnancy, i didn't even know i was pregnant until a week ago and only took a test because we had been trying and i was late. If you are still concerned in a weeks time go and see your doctor. I'm sure you will be fine. Please feel free to message me at any time if you need someone to talk to. Take care xxx
ENJOY it at the moment :lol:

i felt fine at 5 weeks - sore boobs and tired was about it!

then when i reached 6 weeks iv felt so ill, i wake up everyday feeling so sick and this last til about 11am :( its a horrible feeling!

i go to the toilet a lot more and my boobs and nipples are killing me!

hope your feeling a bit better hearing this and try not to worry :hug:
Hey Tilly, :wave:

I was exactly the same as you, and didn't really have any symptoms when I was 5 weeks, then BOOM I hit 6 weeks and I got everything all at once and felt so rotten! :(

I feel sick nearly all day long, :puke: I'm only drinking water, and the sight and smell of food makes me gag, I try and stick to dry plain foods like toast and plain crisps, I feel sleepy all the time even tho I am having planty of sleep, my boobs have got up 3 cup sizes and are really sore and my nipples are really sensitive. I literally woke up with all this on one day after having no symtoms at all :shock:

Hopefully you might not get any really bad symptoms but enjoy it while it lasts cos this time next week you could be feeling very different :( :( :(
As the others have said, don't worry. It's very early for you yet.

A week or so ago I was feeling EXACTLY the same as you. Although I was really tired and needing to get up in the night to do a pee which is unheard of for me.

This week however, the nausea is kicking in and I'm going off a lot of food and tea!

It still doesn't feel real yet though, it's very strange during these early weeks.

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