Symptoms have disappeared :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2011
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I'm 9 weeks and 5 days and boobs have stopped hurting and I'm so scared as last time I was pregnant I mc and didn't find out till scan. I have a 10 week scan monday but has anyone else had this happen around this many weeks. I had sore boobs longer this time then last time but they have calmed down over last two days xxxxx

I am here:,-0.383680
Ive just posted in another fourm ...saying i woke up today feeling really wrong boobs dont hurt and their soft , my tummy feels odd and i feel sick ....i just feel like somethings wrong.

Im sure we are both fine hun just one of the off days

big hugs to you
I had similar thoughts yesterday morning when I rolled over in bed and my boobs didn't hurt like hell. I also didn't feel at all sick yesterday, but last night the symptoms returned and this morning I felt a tiny bit sick again. I am 9 weeks +1. All I can say is don't worry and let's all keep our fingers crossed. Having symptoms is reassuring, but the lack of them doesn't necessarily mean that something's wrong. After all, we are coming up to the time when they might be easing off anyway. Hope this helps. Hugs!
try not to worry too much, symptoms can just go!

Some women have no symptoms at all throughout pregnancy !
Hey ladies don't worry this is completely normal I went through the exact same thing, my symptoms dissapeared around 9 weeks and I was convinced something was wrong! But turned out everything was fine, the symptoms come and go. I'm 17 weeks now and my sickness has just came back lol xx
I think it's the mmc from last time play havoc with my mind it's so hard xxx

I know its really hard to enjoy your pregnancy after you have MC, I had 2 this year, and I still worry constantly. If u need to talk about anything I'm here xx
It really is and baby is so so wanted specially as we found out we were pregnant just over a month after getting married. Baby feels like our wedding present if that makes sense xxx

I haven't had any nausea since about 9 weeks, and boobs have been much less sore since then too. Only thing that makes me think I'm still pregnant is my growing belly! x x
im the same as you, been taking pictures of bump at 8 10 and 12 weeks and im convinced theres a change in size and shape.. but have been gagging alot which isnt pleasant.

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