symptoms gone...... panicking


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2012
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Hi all,
I'm 7 1/2 weeks pregnant. Had sore boobs and been exhausted since I found out and then last night didn't feel so bad and today symptoms have all gone. I've now got myself into a state that something is wrong. Seen so many things online where peoples symptoms reduce and then miscarry.

Anyone else had this?

Hi Rach, just spotted this thread and wanted to pop by to say hello and try to reassure you - I'm not sure if you've seen my thread I started this morning, I was/am in exactly the same situation as you and made myself almost hysterical with grief, thinking something had hapened to my baby :-(
I'm sure everything is fine with both our babies (I am 1 1/2weeks behind you), apparently symptoms can come and go during the 1st trimester but that doesn't mean there is anything wrong. People here have given me some lovely advice and made me realise I'm not the only one going through this turmoil and uncertainty. It's a scary time for us all and we have invested so much into having a healthy baby.
Unless you are having severe cramping and bleeding, I would try to relax. Have you thought about booking an early private scan? That may reassure you that everything is ok- many ladies here have had early scans as it's a long wait till your 12 week scan. I am definately going to book myself in as I need to have reassurance that everything is ok.
Please try not to worry hun, I'm sure everything is ok :hugs:
P.M me if you want to chat xxxxx
don't worry, symptoms come and go, I had hardly any and then just nausea for 2 weeks at 8-10 weeks. count yourself a lucky one xxxx
Hi hun, try not to worry! I've had 4 mc's and found that my symptoms didn't start to go until after I'd miscarried. I've got a 7 month baby boy now and was so paranoid through out my pregnancy, constatntly checking my boobs to see if they were still sore!lol Every ones comments are right, symptoms come and go through out, good days and bad, it isn't always something to worry about! Try to relax, and if you still don't have any symptoms in a few days and are still worried call your GP to arrange a scan, and do a pregnancy test at home. That's the first thing the doctor will do if you see them any way. Good luck hun, pregnancy is such a scary time, but try not to fear the worst, I'm sure everything will be fine xxx
Hi, just wanted to say mine have been worse some weeks more than others. I've spoken to people about this and they say they can go and come back as bad. When I had my mmc last year I still had sore boobs and stuff so it's not always a bad sign. Try to relax and if you worried rung your midwife. Xxx

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