Symptoms Disappearing?


New Member
Aug 10, 2015
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Hi all,

I am 4 weeks 4 days pregnant today and this morning I woke up and my tummy doesn't feel as tight as it has been over the past week or so.

I had a miscarriage last year and an ectopic in March so I'm being closely monitored and had a scan last week, which showed a sac measuring 1.5mm in my uterus. No corpus luteum was seen though.

My HCG levels more than doubled last week from 675 to 1507 but now I'm worrying that things aren't progressing how they should be.

The only symptoms I have are a tight feeling in my tummy (like I'm doing sit ups all the time!) and the odd back twinge. The tightness seems to be subsiding at the moment though.

Has this happened to anyone else? I'm worrying about everything!

Many thanks

Hi, sorry to hear of your losses, it's totally understandable you are anxious. I've had very few symptoms this pregnancy, only really nauseous after 6 weeks or so. My first pregnancy I knew from the minute I conceived lol, needed to wee constantly, sore boobs etc, just shows how different each can be.
Whenever I worry I think of these women in the news who had no idea they were pregnant...having no symptoms must be normal for some people. Xxx
Symptoms can change and fluctuate and decrease from day to day hun, it's totally normal.

Try not to worry, I'm sure all is fine.

Thank you for the last two replies. I think the bloating has gone down quite a bit but I do still feel slightly 'tight' in my tummy. I don't have any other symptoms at all.
I need to try and calm down. I feel like I get used to how my body is feeling and then it changes and I automatically think it's a bad thing. I don't know what to think.
Don't worry about it, it will only cause you more issues getting yourself stressed.

I had no symptoms in my first pregnancy other than eating like a horse for about 3 months ( I didn't know I was pregnant until I was 7/8 weeks)

This time round its been pretty similar. Nothing other than a bit of a pain I had down one side which I went and got checked out for (and all is ok) and I've been eating a bit more and sleeping a bit more. Other than that, nothing.
I think we tend to stress ourselves out a little too much. Every women and every pregnancy is different so just try and relax (better said than done) but it will help you loads.

Good luck and sticky dust

PP xXx
Thanks PP.
I just don't know how my body is meant to be feeling and it seems to change every day.
I'll try and relax a bit :-)
Defo don't worry hon, although easier said that done. It's all normal ;) x
Same as all the others have said, completely normal and I am sure lots of other lovely symptoms will be on your way soon! The first bit is always the worst and so worrying, so much nicer when we can feel babies kicking and know all is ok. Wish we had tummy cameras! Xx and congratulations btw! X

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