Symptoms before my BFP!


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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HI GIRLS! :wave:

I've spend ages looking on this site while me and my DP have been TTC. I got my BFP on thurs 9 days before AF was due.

I was symptom obbsessed so thought I'd list all of mine for all of you TTC

loads of wind
huge boobs which stopped hurting then got really sore again
eating loads
craving salt
metallic taste
very emotional

I got my result with the e bay ones from lookers girl. They showed positive really early but were very faint. I did a CB one which showed up really dark line really fast the next day in the afternoon so don't be disheartened by faint lines on e bay tests.!! for 20p a test I can't complain! :rotfl:

I have been TTC for 3 months and this month i just realised i didn't have to ovulate 14 days before AF. i BD loads had loads of rest and used the magic meds which I'm sure helped my BFP.

I hope you all get your BFP really soon. Baby dust to you all!! :hug:
hiya did you get an implantation bleed that you're aware of? or darker cm?
I had none at all. the only thing was i had cm like before ovulation. creamy tmi!

i was really obsessed about ib as well. wore white pants for a week.

i think everyone is different and if you get it at least its like a sign but don't be dissapointed if you don't.

k xxx
Hey Kirsty congrats on your BFP you have described EXACTLY my symptons!
The boobie thing only gets worse!!

Good luck heres to a happy healthy pregnancy :hug:
i have 4 out 6 of those symptoms so looking good but also get them around AF??
Congratulations Kristie!

I had dull period pains for a while after Ov, and felt a bit different for a few days... now I'm expecting AF on 28/29th - but all my wonderful little symptoms have DISAPPEARED! What a cheek of them :-/

Oh well, until AF actually arrives there is always hope I guess. There have been ladies out there who didn't feel any symptoms at all, right... right..? :wink:


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