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Symptoms anyone?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2008
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i dont know if i'm being paranoid or not...

from 5-6 weeks i had nausea and was sick twice (both on sundays and O/H joked that i dont have morning sickness, i have sunday sickness), i was also weeing a lot during the day and getting up about 3 or 4 times a night to use the toilet, my skin broke out in spots, my boobs and nipples were really sore (sorry if tmi), i had aches in my back and tummy and occasional indigestion.

at 7 weeks my nausea and sickness seemed to have stopped altogether, but my appetite was rubbish and nothing seemed to appeal to me so i force fed myself food just so i wasnt hungry.

now at week 8 my boobs still hurt but nipples are no longer sore, my skin is less spotty, i'm still weeing quite a bit but mainly during the night and its become less frequent, i've got occasional aches and pains, i've become really emotional and keep getting angry or crying over stupid things, i get headrush whenever i stand up after sitting for a long time, or when i get up to go to the loo during the night (O/H finds it extremely amusing that not only is it dark, but i cant see without my glasses on and the added headrush means i have to feel my way stumbling towards the bathroom like a crazy blind woman with a weak bladder), i'm more hungry than pre pregnancy and my appetite has come back but nothing seems to fill me up long enough.

i dunno if the change in symptoms jst means my body has settled down a bit now (or maybe i've just got used to all this and i'm noticing it less), but i'm always worried that because i'm not throwing up every day, it means somethings wrong with me. However, things were fine at the scan i had at 7 wks. i know symptoms are different from woman to woman, but i just want some reassurance that i'm not the only one who seems to have so few symptoms.
Hi hun - welcome to the first tri and congratulations on your BFP!

When I was pregnant with my daughter I had no symptoms at all beyond sore breasts, feeling a little tired now and then and weeing a lot. I didn't throw up once. She was born at 36 weeks and is now a mini tornado of almost 3 years.

This time around the morning sickness is a bit worse but I haven't thrown up yet. I am extremely tired and emotional and actually have cravings this time too. I think that every pregnancy is different but I'm sure you're fine, and so is your bubs. As long as you have no cramps or bleeding and are still getting some symptoms you're fine.

Hark at me, the worrywart... :roll:


Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy!

well i've been montored closely ever since i found out i was preg. i was having bad cramps during the night but they said its cuz my womb is tilted unusually far back onto my bowels and when my bladder gets full my womb gets squashed between the bladder and bowels causing the discomfort. she said lying on my side as opposed to my back should help ease it a bit which it seems to. i did bleed at 6 weeks and thought i was having an mc but they did a scan and found it 2 be a small haemmorage in the womb by my cervix (but not interferring with the sac) probably caused by my d&c operation before. the scan showed the babys heart was beating and they said everything to do with the baby and the sac looked absolutely fine. they did another scan a wk later at 7 wks and the area of bleeding had greatly reduced but they said i may still have a bit more to come but not to worry if i do, babys heart still beating away and its growing well. i havent bled like that since, jst dribs and drabs of brown CM (sorry tmi lol) which they said is probs jst old blood and no need to worry.

talking to my mum she said she had absolutely no symptoms in 1st trimester with me and she wouldnt have even known she was pregnant if it werent for the missed period and the test. the lucky sod, even i've had more symptoms than she did! lol
had a panic and in a fit of madness phoned the early preg unit at the hosp and asked if they'd scan me cuz something jst dont feel right but i cant put my finger on it, i might just be being paranoid, but i'd rather make sure. so they've booked me in 4 2moro morning. arrrrrgh!
i was being paranoid. everything was fine. O/H nearly killed me for dragging him up the hospital with me AGAIN jst because i was paranoid. i feel much better for knowing though. maybe my pregnancy will be a bit more symptom free like my mums was. do pregnancy symptoms run in families??
So glad everything is ok hun :hug: Not sure about symptoms as with Maddison I didnt really have anything whereas my Mum threw up every day of her pregnancy with all 3 of us :shock:

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