Symptom Spotting Thread!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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I know we shouldnt do this but hey, im gonna any way.
Gone right off fizzy pop and drink nothing but water now which is brill
Not eating all the time which is also good for me as im really greedy
Still no headaches, great stuff
and very tired all the time, some people on here will know that usually i go to bed around 3 am if not later, im lucky to stay up past 11.30 now.:)
ooooooo where do i start
constipation then the runs
very hungry (have breakfast then hungry 2 hours later)
waves of sickness
very very moody (so my partner says he says he has noticed a change in me)
o and the most important 5 days late yeeeaaahhh :pray: she stays away
ive just realised my nips are HUGE and a bit lumpy lol :think:
lol..... :rotfl:
mine too i have loads of little bumps come around my nipples too :oops:
and a bit pinky as if they are sore but there not, im just sat here checking my boobs out my oh would love it :rotfl:
have tested but still BFN
i didnt show positive with my daughter till 5 weeks so i will wait till saturday to do another.........its so frustrating
hi guys

sos I have been away for a while, mega busy..
I am getting weird cramps 6/7 dpo...every month I have been getting tender pmt boobs, just a new symptom since my m/c but now I don't have anything but maybe sore nipples, please please let this be my due august 24th , will keep you postedx
where to start lol
sore boobs
white bits on nipples
darker nipples
completly gone off beer :shock: :shock:
tired constantly
very emotional
dry down *there* had that with last pgnancy
gone off sex much to my hubbys annoyance

lol if i aint pg i think i need to see a dr :D
manda x
Right here goes:

Metallic taste in mouth :puke:
Tender nipples :oops:
Headaches :(
Moody like hell.( OH had enough of me) :(
No AF :think :(
AF pains but no AF :think: :think:
extremely tired beyond belief :sleep:

And don't know when AF is due because i haven't had a so called normal cycle yet ?? :think: :think:
Done 2 tests but BNF so who knows :?
this is a good idea, we can talk ourselves into being bfp even is the stick doesnt say so.

I dont know if its too early for me to have any symptoms as it is only just over 2 weeks since my loss, but here are my symptoms anyway, they might be in my head but i can def feel them.

cramp like pain for a week now like af is coming
very grumpy and snappy
waves of sickness
gone off hot food
lower back pain
dry down below
hi guys

I thought you got increased creamy CM when you were pregnant, in fact what does happen to your CM as you leave from day 15-28 in the other half of your cycle >?
im not sure, ive had creamy cm for a while though now :think:
Well I'm not sure if I am or not pg yet.


Sore nipples, heaviness in boobs
Lower left abdominal cramps
Waves of nausea, usually worse in evening
Odd bowel movements
Very tired
Restless sleep, waking during night
No appetite, now I can't stop eating!
Increased sense of smell & taste
I'm going to regret doing this but here goes LOL

Not many really TBH.

Had brown sticky discharge since 10 days B4 AF is due. Which started last Sat, stopped Tues/Wed, came again yesterday and has stopped again today :wall:

Had the 'feeling' AF was going to start i.e. feeling heavy dull aches in my tummy low down IYKWIM. And also a couple of days ago across my belly button area felt like I'd been doing sit ups. But again today feel fine :think: In fact in my head I 'feel' as is AF has already been and gone :think:

Felt a bit nauseous a couple of times

Had the squits the other day

Not feeling more tired than usual but finding it hard to get to sleep then when it's time to get up in the morning finding that hard to do too LOL

Thats it really.......................

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