anyone else been diagnosed with this
my GP just has, although says i seem to have developed i pretty early
just gave me co-codamol and said to use sparingly and see how i go
anyone else got any advice?
You have developed it quite early, I think I was in the third trimester when I got it and it was really painful so you have my sympathy. I wasn't prescribed anything as I was told that the only thing I could have was paracetamol and I knew that would not touch it as I was in such pain. I was referred for a session of physiotherapy and they teach you how to sit, get in and out of bed etc which helped - I also tried a support belt which really made a difference - they cost about £ 20 but since you still have a few months to go am sure this would be cost effective. The only advice I can give you is get up for a little walk at least once an hour so you don't stiffen up and take it easy - I eventually got signed off work early by the doctor and this definately helped.
thanks hun
yeah paracetmol wasnt touching it for me either. co-codamol is ok at this stage but cant be taken in last trimester, which i am grateful for as it did seem to help me sleep- the pain had been aking me up every time i turned over in bed and definitely didnt wake up so much last night
i'll see hw it goes over next couple of weeks, if still no improvement i will ask to my midwife if theres a phsio i can see and can obtain a support belt
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